Reinvestigation of muon sites in the high-Tc superconductor, YBa2Cu3O6
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Determination of muon stopping sites and electronic structures in proteins
In order to explore the electron-transfer process in life science, we have been carrying out muSR studies based upon electron labeling mechanisms on a protein, cytochrome c,... -
Oxygen stoichiometry and its relation to the magnetic correlation YBa2Cu3O6+x...
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muSR study of quantum atomic deuterium/hydrogen and their critical slowing be...
Recently we found by muSR that the deuterium (D) atoms in the new ferroelectric compound Co2(OD)3Cl were quantum atomic and showed a critical slowing down with Tc=230 K, which... -
Exploration for Spin Liquid State in Spinel Titanates
We explore for the spin liquid state. Recently, the theoretical studies suggest that not only the frustrated lattice but also a structural fluctuation and disorder are important... -
Control of the Dimensionality of Magnetic Interaction by using Carbon Nanotub...
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Nature of non-magnetic ground state of In2Ru2O7 probed by muon spin rotation
Complex ruthenium oxides offer a variety of exotic electronic states, such as spin-triplet superconductivity, metal-insulator transition and spin-orbital ordering. We discovered... -
Does Deuteration Change More then the Phonon Spectrum?
Our recent express measurments on protonated and deuterated 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) have highlighted some interesting differences between the two. We seek to... -
Early Stage Cluster Structure of Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys
We would like to study the time dependence of the dipole width, trapping rate, and detrapping rate with Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys in the temperature range from 260 to 300 K by... -
muSR studies on CuOHCl single crystals to discover the mechanism of new multi...
Recently we have found multiferroic-like properties in an S=1/2 Cu2+ quantum-spin triangular-lattice compound CuOHCl. It showed geometric frustration and antiferromagnetic... -
Abnormally enhanced diamagnetism of Al-Zn-Mg alloys
We measured temperature and time dependences of magnetization of Al-1.0%Zn-4.2%Mg (ZM14), Al-2.6%Zn-3.2%Mg (ZM33), and Al-4.1%Zn-1.1%Mg (ZM41) (at.%) alloys after various... -
CHRONUS Commissioning
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Spin dynamics study on the magnetic-field-induced superconductor, l- (BETS)2F...
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µSR Studies on the effect of the non-magnetic impurity at the 4f site in the ...
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Hydrogen trapped sites in aluminum alloys studied by muon spin relaxation method
Hydrogen can be a main energy resource in near future. Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys have been used as an inner materials for a high-pressure hydrogen container. There are plenty of... -
Muon Training School
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New 3d heavy fermion behavior accompanied by a Lifshits magnetic liquid phase...
Recently, new phase with Lifshits invariant of incommensurability is reported as a solitonic spin-liquid state above the magnetically ordered phase on Fe1-yTe. It cannot be... -
Early stage solute-vacancy clustering in Al-Mg-Si and Al-Si alloys
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Muon Training School
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Early stage solute-vacancy clustering in Al-Mg-Si and Al-Si alloys
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