The search and optimisation of Delta0 resonances in TIPS-Pentacene in solution
To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous work on using muons to measure photo-excited states in organic semiconductors or related materials. Our photo-excitation ideas... -
Probing the spin dynamics in the pseudo-quaternary Y1-xErxNi2B2C compounds
Our uSR measurements on superconducting Y1-xErxNi2B2C shows a slowing of the Er spin dynamics upon cooling to 2.5 K, but the depolarisation rate does not critically diverge and... -
A uSR Study of Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductor Re6 Hf
In conventional superconductors gauge symmetry is broken, while in unconventional superconductors other symmetries may also be broken. There has recently been a great deal of... -
Time reversal symmetry breaking study of the superconductors YRuB2 and LuRuB2
In this proposal we suggest an investigation of the time reversal symmetry breaking in the superconducting compounds YRuB2 and LuRuB2 with orthorhombic structure (space group... -
Magnetic Ordering in the Heavy Fermion CePtZn
In rare-earth containing metals, there is a strong competition between the tendency of these systems to magnetically order or form a superconducting state, mirroring in many... -
MUSR investigations of a new spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnet Cu4(OH)6FCl
Recently, barlowite Cu4(OH)6FBr have been attracting much attention as a new kagome system with a Z2 topological order, which may yield spin liquid state at relative high... -
Unconventional superconductivity in quasi-1D K_2Cr_3As_3
Metallic systems with one-dimensional chain-like atomic structure can support unusual mechanisms for electron pairing leading to superconductivity. K_2Cr_3As_3 is one of a... -
Iron-based superconductors with molecular spacer layers: probing Li diffusion...
All known iron-based superconductors comprise layers of FeAs or FeSe with some combination of group I, group II or lanthanide oxide layers, and usually some doping. To make... -
Study of superconductivity in CaPd2As2, SrPd2As2 and CaPd2Ge2 using muon spin...
The discovery of superconductivity in ThCr2Si2 type tetragonal Fe-based compounds (i.e. YFe2Ge2) have generated considerable interest. Recently we found bulk superconductivity... -
The search for magnetic monopoles in spin ice.
In recent work Moessner and colleagues have demonstrated that thermally induced defects in spin ice behave as emergent magnetic monopoles. Within the material there exist... -
Frustration-stabilised high-field skyrmions
Magnetic skyrmions are nanometric topological vortex-like spin textures that appear in select materials and have lately attracted a lot of attention due to their numerous... -
Surveying Hebel-Slichter peaks in conventional-ish superconductors
The presence of a Hebel-Slichter peak in NMR or µSR measurements just below the critical temperature of superconductors is taken to be strong evidence for conventional behaviour... -
Investigating semi-metal superconductivity in a Lu3Os4Ge13 single crystal
Lu3Os4Ge13 is an interesting superconducting system, with potentially unconventional physics. It is a low carrier density semi-metal, exhibiting superconductivity at 3.1 K. This... -
Magnetic and superconducting phases in TbTe3
Rare-earth tri-tellurides (RETe3, RE = Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm) are materials with 2D electronic character and have a charge-density wave (CDW) phase... -
µSR investigations of multiband triplet superconductivity in a quasi-1D syste...
Recently the discovery of superconductivity in the quasi-1D Rb2Cr3As3 with TC=4.8 K has attracted considerable interest. The unconventional superconductivity has been revealed... -
Muon spin relaxation study on cobalt arsenides ACo2As2 (A = Ca, Sr and Ba)
Recent investigations of physical properties of ACo2As2 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) indicate that Co-based arsenides could be a potential parent compound like the parent AFe2As2. While... -
A muSR Investigation of the Magnetic Ground State and Spin Dynamics in the Tr...
In a typical magnetic material the interactions between neighbouring magnetic moments will tend to lead to their ordered alignment throughout the entire structure as it is...