Neutron Total Scattering Investigation of Temperature Driven Transitions in L...
This proposal is concerned with determining the local structure of LaCoO3 and observing changes within this as the material undergoes some well characterised temperature driven... -
Graphite Oxide Intercalation: Tailoring Adsorbate Geometry
The search for new porous materials is increasingly driven by a socio-economic pressure to diversify our energy supply and minimize environmental impact. Carbon-based... -
Divacancy superstructures and enhanced thermopower in NaxCayCoO2
Replacing Na ions in NaxCoO2 with divalent Ca ions results in the formation of ordered arrays of divacancy clusters, rather than the trivacancy clusters found for the pure... -
Structure property relationships in new lead-free ceramics for energy storage
There has been much recent research on the development of lead-free ceramics to replace lead zirconium titanate, which is widely used in a variety of electronic devices... -
The mechanism of CO oxidation over PdO.H2O
The aim of the present proposal is to investigate the mechanism of CO oxidation over hydrous palladium oxide, both directly and indirectly. For the direct route, the sample will... -
Understanding the formation of diamonds: Calibrating the coesite solid-inclus...
Diamonds provide our only direct samples of the very deep Earth and understanding their origin is consequently of great interest to Earth Scientists. The origin of diamonds can... -
The role of Disorder in Phase Transitions in some manganese Perovskites
The aim of this work is to understand the origin of the difference in the behaviour between the two doped manganites Sr0.65Pr0.35MnO3 and Sr0.70Ce0.30MnO3. The hypothesis we... -
High pressure effects on Jahn-Teller distortion in metal-formate perovskites
The family of guanidinium metal formates has the perovskite structure and, like many perovskites, is of interest for these materials¿ magnetic and electric properties, in... -
Atomic structure of formamidinium lead iodide perovskite
New perovskite phases containing lead and halogens with a molecular cation are providing new options for materials in solar cells, giving unusually high efficiencies in...