Proposal to determine the origin of the effects of electric fields on the muo...
In the previous proposal we examined the ALC response of components of the complex dielectric under externally applied electric fields (EEF). We saw a shift in the asymmetry at... -
Motion of Positevely Charged Muonium Centres in Transparent Conducting Oxides
We propose zero-field depolarization measurements to investigate the motional dynamics of diamagnetic muonium centers in hafnium oxide (HfO2), tungsten oxide (WO3) and zirconium... -
Motion of Positevely Charged Muonium Centres in Transparent Conducting Oxides
A continued study of muonium diffusion in transparent conducting oxides (TCO) are proposed. We have ZF depolarization measurements conducted up to room temperatures for SnO2 and... -
Investigation of Magnetic Ground State of Hexagonal Rare-Earth Ferrites by µSR
This experiment is focused on exploring and harnessing magnetic ground state of the multiferroic materials, with particular emphasis on the hexagonal (h), rare-earth ferrites... -
Observation of hydrogen diffusion in hydrogen storage materials with muSR
This is a continuation proposal describing an "in situ" muSR experiment on hydrogen storage materials. For the two previous beam-time allocated for RB1510262 and RB1520259, we... -
Diffusive behavior in novel anode material, LixY2Ti2O5S2
This proposal describes a muSR experiment for studying a diffusive nature of Li ions in novel anode material for Li-ion batteries. The target compound, LixY2Ti2O5S2 (LxYTOS,... -
Muon Study of Ion-diffusion in a Novel Sodium Battery Material
Lithium (Li) ion batteries is the most common battery technology but lately also sodium (Na) batteries are being considered. One reason is that the Li-reserves are limited and... -
Na-Ion Dynamics in the Solid Solution Battery Compound Ca1-xNaxM2O4 with M = ...
The compounds belonging to the series of TMOs NaM2O4 (M = Ti, V, Mn, Cr) share the same interesting properties: they are all Q1D metallic antiferromagnets with the Na ions... -
Muons for Energy Nanonics
In order to improve the performance of future energy devices, nano-structured materials is one of the most promising routes. LiFePO4 is a commercial battery cathode material... -
Ionic disorder and phase transition studies of Lightweight Hydrides LiBH4 and...
We ask for 3 days on EMU to study the Muon spectroscopy of both LiBH4 and Ca(BH4)2 as a function of temperature from 90K-650K. These materials have been extensively... -
Muon Spin Relaxation studies of Ni2TCNQ, Ni(TCNQ)2 and related materials
Amorphous molecular magnetic materials Ni2(OA) (OA:organic acceptor) were reported to exhibit ferromagnetism with Curie temperatures >400K. This work is controversial as it... -
Ion dynamics in Sodium and Potassium Cobalt Dioxides
We found that muSR detects Li-diffusion in LixCoO2, LiNiO2, Lix(NiCoMn)O2 and LiFePO4 through a dynamic behavior of nuclear field relaxation. Very recently, we have also found... -
Novel skyrmionic spin textures in non-chiral magnets
Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected objects that exist in the spin texture of certain magnetic materials. We have shown that muon spin relaxation is a powerful... -
Li diffusion in Li-Mn-O (continuation)
This proposal describes a continuation muSR experiment on Li-Mn-oxides to see Li diffusion, because muSR is a powerful technique to detect it in the compounds containing... -
Determination of a reaction area of cathode in a liquid electrolyte by muSR
In order to estimate a reliable reaction area (a_r) between cathode and liquid electrolyte in a Li-ion battery, we wish to propose a muSR experiment on a charged-state cathode... -
Muons for Energy Nanonics
LiFePO4 (LFP) is a commercially applied cathode material for lithium ion batteries. With its Li ion hopping predominantly occurring along one-dimensional channels, LFP is a very... -
Carrier density in novel Li ionic conductors studied with muons
When we know an intrinsic diffusion coefficient of Li-ion (D) in an ionic conductor, we could estimate a number of mobile Li ions, i.e. carrier density (n), from ionic... -
Studies of magnetic polaron formation in EuS via RF-µSR
Experiment is proposed to identify magnetic polaron bound to the muon using RF-muSR. In recent experiment at TRIUMF magnetic polaron was found in transverse field and its... -
Magnetic properties of photomagnetic molecular square complexes
This experiment aims at studying the magnetic behaviour of the molecular square complex {[Fe{B(pz)_4}(CN)_3]_2[Co(bik)_2]_2}(ClO_4)_2 . 3H_2O [B(pz)_4 = tetrapyrazolylborate,... -
Muons for Energy Nanonics
In order to improve the performance of future energy devices, nano-structuring materials is one of the most promising routes. LiFePO4 is a commercial battery cathode material...