Quenched salt hydrates new ways of probing water clusters.
Very rapid quenching of liquids to form a glass, from which crystalline phases are subsequently obtained by devitrification, is a powerful technique for obtaining novel... -
Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Ba2BTeO6 (B=Cu, Ni, Zn)
Ba2CuTeO6 and Ba2NiTeO6 are compounds with structures related to that of the proposed spin liquid Ba3CuSb2O9. The space group and nature of the B-site ordering in Ba3CuSb2O9... -
Understanding the formation of diamonds: Calibrating the coesite solid-inclus...
Diamonds provide our only direct samples of the very deep Earth and understanding their origin is consequently of great interest to Earth Scientists. The origin of diamonds can... -
CaTiO3 cooling from 291 K 30-130 ms jaws 15*20
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Polycarbonate and tetramethyl bisphenol A polycarbonate
The miscibility of polycarbonates (PC) with polystyrene (PS) appears to be closely related to chain dynamics. Among all polycarbonates, tetramethyl bisphenol-A polycarbonate... -
A Self-consistent Description of the Thermoelastic Properties of Dielectric P...
20 years ago, Anderson proposed that the thermoelastic properties of the dominant (mantle) phase within the Earth, MgSiO3 perovskite, could be described as a simple Debye solid.... -
Variable Temperature Study of thallium and caesium azides
This proposal seeks to investigate the effect of temperature on the structures of thallium and caesium azide. High-resolution neutron powder diffraction data are necessary to... -
Correlation of structural parameters with electrocaloric performance in (Ba,S...
Kay objectives: measurements of Ti-O bond lengths and Ti-O-Ti angles in a series of (Ba,Sr,Ca)TiO3 perovskites and correlate with the observed variation of Tcs of the FE-PE... -
Proton dynamics in novel organic ferroelectric materials
The vast majority of known ferroelectrics are inorganic compounds such as barium titanate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Contrary to naïve expectation, ferroelectricity in...