Impact of in-situ strain-tuning on the magnetic structure of Ca3Ru2O7
We propose to perform high-resolution neutron diffraction on strained Ca3Ru2O7, a material in which electron correlations, spin-orbit coupling and crystal fields combine to... -
Magnetic ordering in the new Multiferroic compounds Sm1-xYxMnO3
In order to understand the emergence of multiferroic behaviour in the RMnO3 type compounds, it is neccessary to understand the relationship between structural parameters such as... -
A neutron diffraction study of V1/3NbS2 : determination of the magnetic groun...
In recent years, there has been a large research interest in noncentrosymmetric systems in part due to the exotic physics these systems display. Examples of chiral magnets... -
The magnetic structure of a perovskite like coordination polymer {[Cu(HCOO)3]...
This study is designed to identify relationships between structure and magnetic properties characteristic of coordination polymers (CPs). By determining the ground state 3D... -
In-situ Specific Heat Measurements and Order Disorder Phase Transition Studie...
We request 4 days on HRPD to perform combined specific heat and neutron powder diffraction measurements of C60 and the molecular hydrogen storage materials, ammonia borane and... -
Spin, charge and orbital ordering in CaMn4O8
Manganites oxides are of great interest in material sciences for the variety of physical properties they exhibit in connexion with possible long range spin, charge and orbital... -
Entangled superconductivity and magnetic and charge density waves in A1-xA'xF...
We aim to study select samples of hole and electron doped (A,A')(Fe,B)2As2 (A=Ba, Sr, or Ca; A'=Na, K and B=Co, Ni, or Pt) iron pnictides. These materials exhibit robust...