Neutron reflection from surface-induced nana-stratified He-3/He-4 mixtures
It is proposed to use neutron reflectometry to study surface-induced nano-stratification of 3He-4He mixtures in the ultra-low temperature limit. The experiment promises to... -
Foil calibrations
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Investigation of magnetic orderings in multiferroic PbFe12O19
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiments on a powder sample of a multiferroic hexaferrite PbFe12O19. A recent paper has reported room temperature multiferroic... -
Magnetoelastic coupling effect on multiferroic behaviors in different types o...
We propose to perform high resolution neutron diffraction on powder samples of the frustrated antiferromagnets Ag1-xCuxFe1-yGayO2 using HRPD. CuFe1-yGayO2 and AgFeO2 have... -
Magnetic structure of the potential multiferroic GdCrO3
Because of the potential applications of multiferroicity, the discovery of a new multiferroic (MF) material is invariably met with great enthusiasm in the condensed matter... -
Pressure dependence on the isomorphic phase transition in KOs2O6
We are requesting 5 days of beamtime on HRPD to measure powder diffraction patterns of KOs2O6 under He gas high pressure up to 150 MPa. KOs2O6 exhibits a novel phase transition... -
The magnetic structures of RMn7O12 (R = Nd, Sm, Dy, Y)
Materials with the perovskite crystal structure are ubiquitous in condensed matter physics. Despite being known for several years, the quadruple perovskites, which afford... -
The magnetic structure of Au5.027Si1.307Tb, a quasicrystal approximant with m...
The aim of the present proposal is to experimentally investigate the magnetic order below Tc in the cubic quasicrystal approximant Au5.027Si1.307Tb, which orders ferro- or... -
Investigation of the relevant thermodynamic parameters for the production of ...
With fantastic flux gains over its liquid conterpart, a solid methane moderator is essential to the newly built Second Target Station at ISIS. Unfortunately, it is notoriously... -
Structural investigation of a possible magnetically-induced Weyl semi-metal
One of the major themes in solid-state physics is the realisation of exotic types of relativistic electrons which travel at speeds much slower than the speed of light. These... -
Doping-induced energy gap in a quantum spin chain
SrCuO2 is a prototypical S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic (AF) Heisenberg 1D spin chain system. High-resolution neutron scattering studies has already successfully revealed the gapless... -
Magnetic structure of a novel quantum magnet
Preliminary bulk measurements show that Ba(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4 is a potentially exciting candidate for studies of low-dimensional magnetism. However, currently relatively little is... -
The magnetic structure of a perovskite like coordination polymer {[Cu(HCOO)3]...
This study is designed to identify relationships between structure and magnetic properties characteristic of coordination polymers (CPs). By determining the ground state 3D... -
Explore high-field states of non-collinear zigzag magnetic order with polaris...
Novel functionality in condensed matter physics is continuously attracting huge attention owing to the possible novel future applications including quantum computing, electronic... -
High resolution neutron diffraction study to investigate quadrupolar ordering...
Recently we have investigated magnetic and quadrupolar ordered states of YbRu2Ge2 using zero-field muon spin relaxation (µSR), neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron... -
Neutron diffraction study of magnetic structure of PrFe2Al8
The crystal structure of PrFe2Al8 consists of a network of Al which forms quasi cage-like structure where the Pr and the Fe form chains of atoms along the c-axis. We propose... -
Probing the magnetic structure of transition metal pyrovanadates Co2V2O7
We had been given 1 day of beam time on WISH, RB1710144, to investigate the magnetic structure of T2V2O7 (T=Mn, Ni, Co) We performed power neutron diffraction measurements on... -
Structure-property relation in integer-spin quantum magnets
Our objective is to determine how changes in symmetry affect the magnetic ground state of spin-1 magnets. Low-dimensional S=1 systems are believed to support rich phase diagrams... -
Low Energy Dispersion of a Stripe-Ordered, Hole-Doped Antiferromagnet
Our previous studies of the hole-doped antiferromagnet La1.75Sr0.25CoO4 have shown the distinctive "Hour-Glass" dispersion attributed to magnetic and charge ordered stripes.... -
Uniaxial pressure induced spin-density wave order in CeAuSb2
We propose to apply uniaxial strain to induce a spin-density wave (SDW) modulation in CeAuSb2. Neutron diffraction measurements show this system has a tendency to order along...