Cation-Exchanged Layered Polar Perovskite Oxides (Magnetic)
Multiferroic materials - those which exhibit spontaneous and switchable electrical and magnetic polarizations - have a wide range of applications. However preparing new... -
Structural and magnetic neutron diffraction study of a novel frustrated syste...
Every new triangular lattice (TL) antiferromagnet attracts considerable attention since they usually display rich physics due to the inherent frustration and degenerate ground... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of exchange disorder in CaFe2O4 and CaFe1....
We would like to investigate polycrystalline CaFe2O4 which undergoes two magnetic transitions to a B phase below 190 K and to a A phase below 160 K. Both phases coexist in a... -
Looking for potential diffuse scattering in a large crystal of green dioptase
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In-Situ Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering Study of a Gas Loaded Indium-Carboxy...
We request 8 days on IRIS to study the diffusion of adsorbed H2 gas and C2-hydrocarbons molecules within a gated indium-based porous metal-organic framework (MOF) as a function... -
Quantum Criticality in YFe2Al10
Quantum phase transitions, where correlation length and time scales diverge, are of broad interest to the condensed matter physics community. The new layered material YFe2Al10... -
INS of a high anisotropy barrier Dy-cene single ion magnet
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Spin, charge and orbital ordering in CaMn4O8
Manganites oxides are of great interest in material sciences for the variety of physical properties they exhibit in connexion with possible long range spin, charge and orbital... -
Correlations between magnetic order and anomalous polarization changes in pyr...
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Spin-orbit transitions in CoV3O8
Strong orbital mixing resulting from local distortions in the crystal field can mix higher energy orbital states with the ground state. We propose to characterise this mixing in... -
Magnetic Excitations in an Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Kagome Lattice Antiferrom...
The material Cu(1,3-benzenedicarboxylate) (C8H4CuO4) features structurally perfect kagome lattice planes of spin-1/2 copper2+ ions, with the separated by organic linkers. High... -
Magnetic excitation in O2 supercrystal realized in nanoporous compound
We propose to perform neutron scattering experiment in a new field of science, magnetic O2 molecule supercrystal realized in nanoporous compound. In our previous work on... -
Structural distortions at low temperature on the pyrochlore Yb2Ti2O7
Magnetic frustration occurs when nearest-neighbor competing interactions cannot be simultaneously satisfied. Pyrochlores, whose crystalline lattices form corner-sharing... -
Magnetic order in the frustrated magnet Cu5(VO4)2O2CsCl
We propose to use WISH to characterise magnetic order of a new quantum (S=1/2) geometrically frustrated material based on the mineral averievite, Cu_5(VO_4)_2O_2CsCl. This... -
In situ Investigation of the Locations of Gas Molecules within a Decorated Po...
We request 4 days on WISH to study the preferred binding sites and locations of adsorbed gas molecules (CO2,NO2 and D2) within a decorated Al(III)-carboxylate porous framework... -
Spin-orbit coupling and spin dynamics in hexagonal iridate
Hexagonal iridate Na2IrO3 has recently been proposed as a candidate material to exhibit strong spin-orbit coupling effects which may stabilize a Mott insulating state with... -
Magnetic excitations in FeCrAs
We propose to carry out inelastic neutron scattering experiments to study magnetic excitation spectrum in FeCrAs. FeCrAs exhibits magnetic ordering around 125 K, which is... -
Exotic phase coexistence in magnetic and superconducting LaFe(As1-xPx)(O1-yFy)
The proposed 1111 system whose structures are largely underinvestigated exhibits properties with a strong potential for novel properties that complement our knowledge of the... -
Ex situ Study of glass formation from Cu-exchanged Zeolite by INS
In the earlier research, the rheology of collapsing zeolites amorphized by temperature has been studied as well as the vibration that destabilize crystals. With the study of... -
Probing Dirac magnons in a honeycomb ferromagnet
Studying bosonic analogues of fermions in topological electron systems is one of the hottest areas. They are featured by linear band crossing points at finite energy in the...