Spin excitations in the first magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2
In contrast to the extensively verified Weyl semimetals with broken inversion symmetry, magnetic Weyl semimetals, which break time reversal symmetry, were only theoretically... -
Magnetic dispersion and anisotropy in HoFeO3 with spin reorientations
HoFeO3 have two magnetic ions, Ho3+ and Fe3+, and three types of magnetic interactions between these two ions. These three interactions play different roles at different... -
The Dynamics of Breathing Metal-Organic Frameworks from Total Scattering
Metal-organic framework materials are a family of nanoporous solids that have potential applications in molecular storage, separation and catalysis. Some of these materials show... -
Evaluation of Phonon Density of State (PDOS) and its correlation with thermoe...
Nanocomposites offer a promising route for enhancing thermoelectric (TE) efficiency (ZT), which depends on interrelated material properties like Seebeck Coefficient, electrical... -
Study of phonon density of states in PGEC titanate thermoelectrics
To understand the thermal conductivity suppression within PGEC titanate oxide thermoelectrics we hope to complement theoretical calculations performed on several perovskites... -
Probing the interaction of hydrogen with supported gold nanoparticles
Small gold nanoparticles (1-5 nm) supported on metal oxides are extremely active catalysts for C-C coupling, aerobic oxidations and selective hydrogenations. The interaction of... -
Violation of y-scaling in D2 ¿ Test of existing theories
The applicants aim to perform the most authoritative measurements of NCS profiles by controlling and precisely quantifying everything to do with the sample. In July 2008 we... -
Magnetic ordering in the layered oxide chalcogenides A2FeO3CuCh (A = Ca, Sr; ...
This proposal is to measure the evolution of the magnetic structures of a series of iron oxide chalcogenides and compare the structures as a function of cation sizes and with... -
Probing the origin of the superconducting spin-valve effect
Inter-layer exchange coupling through charge and/or spin carriers is the key control mechanism for the field of nano-magnetism and is often coupled to other spintronic effects,... -
Determination of the ligand field parameters of holmium bisphthalocyanine sin...
We aim to determine the ligand field parameters of the [HoPc2]¿ complex belonging to the family of lanthanide double decker (Ln=Dy3+,Ho3+,Tb3+) single-molecule magnets (SMM),... -
INS examination of potential hydrogen spillover on pure and metal decorated m...
Metal oxides(MO) are widely used in technological applications especially for catalysts and supports for catalysts. We propose to use the inelastic response of H2 adsorbed on... -
Vibrational Dynamics of Alkali Silicate Glasses - An Isotopic Mass Contrast S...
The present proposal is part of a larger EPSRC project advancing the vibrational spectroscopy of silicate glasses. The project involves the techniques of IR and Raman... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on new Mott-insulating oxychalcogenides, L...
La2O2M2OSe2 (M=Fe, Co, Mn) are layered Mott-insulating antiferromagnets with a potential to be a non-copper high-Tc superconductor. All compounds have shown unusual magnetic... -
Magnetic excitations in mesoporous hematite
We have recently prepared mesoporous forms of various metals oxides. In some cases the imposition of a mesostructure changes other properties of the material significantly. One... -
To measure full three-dimensional spin wave of BiFeO3 single crystal
Of all multiferroic materials, BiFeO3 stands out particularly with its both magnetic and ferroelectric transition temperatures above room temperatures, and more interestingly... -
Influence of superstructures on rich transport properties of lithium cobaltate
In the vicinity of x ~ 0.75, LixCoO2 has potential as a thermoelectric, since it has a high Seebeck coefficient and metallic conductivity. We have performed the first successful... -
Spin excitations in RbFe2F6 and CsFe2F6 A possible S=5/2 Kagome lattice?
Geometrically frustrated spin systems are important owing to the fact that the geometry often suppresses conventional mean field ground states in favor of more unconventional... -
Probing possible Dirac magnons in collinear antiferromagnets
Topological state of matter remains one of the central topics in condensed matter physics since decades ago. Take graphene as an example, the electron bands are linear and... -
Dirac Point and Topological Triplon Bands in the Shastry-Sutherland Material ...
SrCu$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$ (SCBO) is a very much studied quantum magnet that is most well known for its ground state of coupled singlets and multiple magnetization plateaux. Recently,... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of the metallic toroidal system UNi4B
There is considerable interest in understanding the magnetoelectric effect with the aim of developing technological applications. Until recently this has been limited to...