Investigation of Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons through temperature-fi...
YbAl3C3 exhibits a spin gap formation due to spin dimer ground state below 10 K. In zero-field the ground state is paramagnetic and no sign of long range magnetic ordering down... -
Reentrant Structural Transitions and Collapse of Charge and Orbital Orders in...
A-site ordered quadruple perovskites, AA3B4O12, show many interesting physical and chemical properties, for example, inter-site charge transfer and disproportionation, giant... -
Magnetic structure of new manganite TlMnO3
Recently synthesized new perovskite TlMnO3 is distinct in respect of crystal structure (space group) and orbital ordering from those of the previously known trivalent perovskite... -
Magnetoelastic Coupling and for Competing Ground States in (Ba1-xAx)Fe2As2 (A...
Unconventional superconductivity has recently been suggested in the new class of iron-based superconductors in which unusual gap symmetries have been observed together with... -
Magnetic Structure of the double charge ordered multiferroic perovskites HgMn...
Understanding the magnetic structure of the perovskite manganites has been a significant field of research over the past 20 year due of their numerous technologically relevant... -
The magnetic structure of a perovskite like coordination polymer {[Cu(HCOO)3]...
This study is designed to identify relationships between structure and magnetic properties characteristic of coordination polymers (CPs). By determining the ground state 3D... -
High-pressure effect on the magnetic ordering in frustrated antiferromagnet C...
Test of the NIMS low temperature pressure cell on WISH. -
High field study of multipiezo Pb2MnO4
Manganese based oxides are of great interest for both spintronic and multiferroic applications.Pb2MnO4 crystallizes in the acentric but non-polar space group P-421c which allows... -
Anomalously slow magnetic relaxation in a multi-q helimagnetic phase of SrFeO3
Non-coplanar magnetic orders in metallic helimagnets have been of great interest since the discovery of a vortex-like spin-swirling object called "skyrmion" and the resulting... -
Fishing for a new magnetic phase in the Pr1-xCaxMnO3 manganites phase diagram
Based on old data and the recent litterature, we suspect the existence of a poorly documented low temperature magnetic phase transition (T<30K) in colossal magnetoresitve... -
Investigations of some potentially multiferroic/magnetoelectric rare earth ta...
Multiferroics - where ferroelectric and magnetic orders co-exist - continue to be of technological and scientific importance, and of particular interest are the improper... -
Possible Magnetic new Fermions in Materials with the Pyrite Crystal Structure
In oder to understand our universe, we built large research facilities such as the LHC in Switzerland, which can be used to find new particles. In the solid state, such... -
Tuning B-B exchange in the R2MnMn(Mn4-xTix)O12 quadruple perovskite manganites
For the RMn3O6 manganites, we have shown that tuning A-B exchange, by choice of A-site cation or by doping magnetic impurities, gives rise to dramatically different magnetic... -
Magnetically Driven Ferroelectric Order in the 2D Antiferromagnet b-NaMnO2.
Incommensurate magnetic phases generated by frustrated magnetic exchange interactions can stabilise novel induced magnetoelectrics. We have recently found that the... -
Magnetic structure determination of PrMn7O12 polymorphs
The AA'$3$Mn$_4$O${12}$ family of manganites with quadruple perovskite structure has recently attracted a lot of interest as a disorder-free model system for many of the... -
Structure-property relation in integer-spin quantum magnets
Our objective is to determine how changes in symmetry affect the magnetic ground state of spin-1 magnets. Low-dimensional S=1 systems are believed to support rich phase diagrams... -
Pressure effect on high-temperature multiferroic CuO studied by a single crys...
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiment under high pressure condition, using a single crystal of CuO on WISH beamline. This monoxide is known as a multiferroic... -
Long-range magnetism in spin, charge, and orbital ordered Pb3Mn7O15
Manganese oxides have attracted great interest in solid-state physics research owing to the diverse range of electronic ordering phenomena. Pb3Mn7O15 is a relatively... -
Origin of giant ferroelectricity in perovskite-type Mn2O3
Perovskite-type compounds can be both very simple and tremendously complex. Remarkably, even binary perovskite-type compounds may exhibit high level of complexity that leads to... -
Correlation of structural and magnetic properties in oxides containing 1-D ch...
Purely ferromagnetic (FM) oxides are uncommon but we recently reported FM behaviour in a mineral induced by quite small magnetic fields. This ability relates to the presence of...