Variable Temperature Study of Structural Transitions Occurring In Clusters of...
Catalysts lower energy costs of a wide range of important processes, from the production of oil and plastics to the preparation of drugs and paints, making these products... -
Mass-selective Neutron Spectroscopy of Molten FLiBe
We request time on VESUVIO to study the properties of FLiBe using mass-resolved neutron spectroscopy (MANSE). FLiBe is a mixture of BeF2 and LiF and its physical properties in... -
Neutron diffraction techniques are applied to the study of burned human skeletal remains, for assessing heat-induced changes associated to alterations in bone´s... -
In Search of Superionic Conductivity of Mg2+ Cations
The migration of cations with a charge greater than 1 has received very little attention historically, perhaps due to no commercially driven demand for the research as well as... -
In-Situ Studies of Electrochemically Enhanced Performance in Perovskite Elect...
Recent studies in our laboratory have shown that a range of A-site deficient perovskite oxides, with carefully tuned chemical compositions, exhibit excellent properties when... -
Define the crystal structures of lead-free ferroelectric, candidate multiferr...
We have a range of new structures in the lead-free ferroelectric, candidate multiferroic and SOFC cathode areas. The HRPD data will be used to define these new crystal... -
Order-disorder transitions in ternary unfilled skutterudites
The aim of this proposal is to study the thermal evolution of the structure of two ternary ordered skutterudites, CoGe1.5Q1.5 (Q = S, Te). At room temperature, ordering of the... -
Polymorphism across the Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-NaNbO3 solid solution
Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) based materials can present high level of oxide-ion conduction and therefore they are promising electrolytes for IT-SOFCs. The conductivity of highly... -
Ordering in the La/W substituted bismuth oxide fluorite, Bi7W0.25La0.75O12.375
Materials that show fast oxide ion conduction have potential applications as electrolytes in devices such as solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), gas sensors and gas separation... -
Apatite-type Oxides for Energy Applications: Local Structure and Structural P...
Apatites are a large group of chemically and structurally flexible functional materials with important applications as solid electrolytes. The majority of known apatite... -
In-situ Formation of Fast Lithium Conducting garnets via low temperature sol-...
Increasing global population, global warming and depletion of fossil fuels have resulted in a growing need for better energy storage. Lithium-ion batteries are promising devices... -
Mass-selective Neutron Spectroscopy of Molten FLiBe
We request time on VESUVIO to study the properties of FLiBe using mass-resolved neutron spectroscopy (MANSE). FLiBe is a mixture of BeF2 and LiF and its physical properties in... -
Local Structure in Neodymium Doped Ceria
Doped cerias are currently being used as oxide ion conducting electrolyte materials in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). The conduction mechanism in electrolytes is dependent on... -
The Definitive Sodium Niobate Phase Diagram?
NaNbO3 has long been regarded as the 'most complex' perovskite known, with at least seven different phases reported as a function of T, at least two of which have evaded all...