Stochastic vs. Intermolecular Motions in Strongly Associated Liquids: The Cas...
Neutron scattering is a powerful technique to study stochastic motions in liquids but it requires an energy resolution well below the meV range. As a consequence, quasielastic... -
Investigation of the hydrogen bonding and anisotropic displacement parameters...
We will investigate the structure of 4-chloroimidazole, which undergoes extreme anisotropic thermal expansion. This is believed from our initial x-ray results to be due to a... -
Uptake of Molecular Hydrogen by High-performance Carbon Nanostructures (IRIS)
High sorption capacities and enhanced interaction strengths are the two most fundamental prerequisites for the deployment of carbon-based materials as hydrogen-storage media. In... -
The Dynamics of Molecular Hydrogen in Synthetic Clays
In this proposal we aim to study the low temperature uptake and dynamics of hydrogen in the interlayer region of partially hydrated pillared clays. There are linked dual... -
Hydrogen Uptake by Pillared Graphite Oxides
High sorption capacities and enhanced interaction strengths are the two most fundamental prerequisites for the deployment of carbon-based materials as hydrogen-storage media. In... -
Observation of water penetration through extracted cuticular waxes
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Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling... -
QENS studies of molecular hydrogen in K-doped electrospun graphite nanofibres
The physisorptive capability of graphite-based nanomaterials for hydrogen is strongly dependent on their surface areas and nanomorphologies. We have made electrospun graphite... -
Magnetic properties of EuO/Fe interface
EuO is a model ferromagnet, with great potential in spintronics, but also of great interest from a theoretical point of view. Here we propose to study the magnetic proximity... -
Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling... -
Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling... -
Quantum dynamics in a J_eff=1/2 isotropic triangular-lattice antiferromagnet
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the spin dynamics of strongly-frustrated quantum antiferromagnets. A canonical model system is the spin-1/2 triangular... -
Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling...