Neutron diffraction studies on multiferroic NixMn1-xCr2O4 and Ni0.75Cu0.25Cr2O4.
Multiferroic materials (MF), in which ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity coexist, have attracted much attention in recent years. If the coupling between the magnetic and... -
Spin-Driven Multiferroics CdMn7O12 and SrMn7O12
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiments on powder samples of possible spin-induced multiferroic materials, 114CdMn7O12 and SrMn7O12, at ambient pressure and low... -
Skyrmion-like structures induced by copper doping in multiferroic CaCuxMn7-xO12
Multiferroic CaMn7O12 possesses giant magnetically induced ferroelectricity at relatively high temperatures - key properties for technological application. X-ray and neutron... -
Internal stresses in superconducting bulk magnets studied by in situ neutron ...
Bulk high temperature superconductors are useful for permanent magnet applications because they can generate much stronger magnetic fields than ferromagnets and are more compact... -
The magnetic structures of RMn7O12 (R = Nd, Sm, Dy, Y)
Materials with the perovskite crystal structure are ubiquitous in condensed matter physics. Despite being known for several years, the quadruple perovskites, which afford... -
Magneto-orbital coupling in PbMn7-xFexO12
The interplay between orbital order and magnetism in insulating manganites has been extensively studied following the seminal neutron diffraction experiments of Wollan and... -
The magnetic structure of a perovskite like coordination polymer {[Cu(HCOO)3]...
This study is designed to identify relationships between structure and magnetic properties characteristic of coordination polymers (CPs). By determining the ground state 3D... -
Magnetically Driven Ferroelectric Order in the 2D Antiferromagnet b-NaMnO2.
Incommensurate magnetic phases generated by frustrated magnetic exchange interactions can stabilise novel induced magnetoelectrics. We have recently found that the... -
Neutron analysis of the structure of SrAl2O4 from 300 to 1273 K.
SrAl2O4 is a stuffed tridymite that has attracted a good deal of interest, since doping with Eu2+ leads to a material with elastic-luminescent response. The structure and phase... -
Determining the magnetic structure of Na0.5Ca0.5Mn7O12: A candidate material ...
Magnetic and orbital ordering in the manganese based perovskites has been of huge interest in solid-state physics since the 1950's. More recently, the family of AA′3Mn4O12... -
Entangled superconductivity and magnetic and charge density waves in A1-xA'xF...
We aim to study select samples of hole and electron doped (A,A')(Fe,B)2As2 (A=Ba, Sr, or Ca; A'=Na, K and B=Co, Ni, or Pt) iron pnictides. These materials exhibit robust...