Phase Diagram of Ba1-xKxFe2As2
In the new class of iron pnictide superconductors, there is evidence of phase coexistence close to the phase boundary between the SDW and superconducting order produced by hole... -
Skyrmion-like structures induced by copper doping in multiferroic CaCuxMn7-xO12
Multiferroic CaMn7O12 possesses giant magnetically induced ferroelectricity at relatively high temperatures - key properties for technological application. X-ray and neutron... -
The magnetic structures of RMn7O12 (R = Nd, Sm, Dy, Y)
Materials with the perovskite crystal structure are ubiquitous in condensed matter physics. Despite being known for several years, the quadruple perovskites, which afford... -
Magnetoelastic Coupling and for Competing Ground States in (Ba1-xAx)Fe2As2 (A...
Unconventional superconductivity has recently been suggested in the new class of iron-based superconductors in which unusual gap symmetries have been observed together with... -
Understanding the role of lanthanides in magnetic oxyselenides: Pr2O2Fe2OSe2
This proposal requests time to investigate the influence of an applied magnetic field on the oxyselenide Pr2O2Fe2OSe2. A metamagnetic transition involving ordering of Pr3+... -
Novel quantum spin liquid state in the S=3/2 dimer lattice in Ba3ZnRu2O9
We have discovered a novel type of quantum spin liquid in a hexagonal lattice of Ru5+ dimers in Ba3ZnRu2O9, where any traces of the Curie tail or glassy behavior have not been... -
Entangled superconductivity and magnetic and charge density waves in A1-xA'xF...
We aim to study select samples of hole and electron doped (A,A')(Fe,B)2As2 (A=Ba, Sr, or Ca; A'=Na, K and B=Co, Ni, or Pt) iron pnictides. These materials exhibit robust...