Image annotation data from baited camera lander deployments on the Cabo Verde...
A total of eight deployments of an autonomous baited camera lander were conducted at the Cabo Verde Abyssal Plain (tropical East Atlantic, Lat. 14.72, Lon. -25.19, Water depth... -
Videos of the giant anemone, Relicanthus daphneae, capturing prey (Rimicaris ...
Here we present the discovery of R. daphneae along the southern Central Indian Ridge, at the Rodriguez Triple Junction, and along the northern Southeast Indian Ridge within the... -
Megafauna of the German exploration license area for seafloor massive sulfide...
Background: The growing interest in mineral resources of the deep sea, such as seafloor massive sulfide deposits, has led to an increasing number of exploration licenses issued... -
Isotopic data and relative biomasses of ground-dwelling generalist predators ...
The dataset contains calibrated isotopic data (∆13C, ∆15N) and relative biomasses of spiders and ground beetles, sampled in 2019 in Lower Saxony, Germany, within the RTG 2300...