Occlusal Fingerprint Analyser Projects of the Dissertation of K.R.K. Jäger
Fossils specimens, see Readme Kollisionsdetektion -
3D Dental models generated using Focus-stacked SfM Photogrammetry
Lower molar rows of anatomically modern humans generated using focus stacked structure from motion photogrammetry. Individuals are from St. Michael's Litten, Chichester,... -
Photographs used for Structure from Motion 3D Dental model generation Part 1
Sets of photographs used to generate 3D models of dental models using Agisoft Metashape for 4 human individuals. Individuals were from the St. Michael's Litten, Chichester... -
Photographs used for Structure from Motion 3D Dental model generation Part 2
Sets of photographs used to generate 3D models of dental models using Agisoft Metashape for 4 individuals. Individuals were from the St. Michael's Litten, Chichester assemblage... -
Photographs used for Structure from Motion 3D Dental model generation Part 3
Sets of photographs used to generate 3D models of dental models using Agisoft Metashape for 5 individuals. Individuals were from the St. Michael's Litten, Chichester assemblage... -
Composite full focus images used for focus-stacked SfM 3D model generation.
Full focus composite images generated using Helicon Focus software. Between 20-40 images taken at different focal depths were used to create each full focus image. These... -
Photographs used in repeatabilty study for SfM 3D model generation
Sets of photographs used to generate 3D models of dental models using Agisoft Metashape for 3 individuals. Individuals were from the St. Michael's Litten, Chichester assemblage... -
Chimpanzee Cranium ZMH_S_2160
Christina Langenbach