The hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the Belgian Continental Shelf: habi...
The structural biodiversity of the hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the BCS is studied. Furthermore, ecological indicator species are determined which can be usefull... -
De ruimtelijke en temporele variatie van het epibenthos en het hyperbenthos v...
Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of the epi- and hyperbenthic community were studied at the monitoring stations on the Belgian Continental Shelf. -
Habitatkarakterisering van de Vlaamse Banken, de Zeelandbanken en de Hinderba...
Hoewel uit recente studies het belang van het hyperbenthos blijkt, is dit nog steeds een weinig onderzocht vakgebied. Duurzaambeheer van de Noordzee echter veronderstelt een... -
Epi- en hyperbenthische gemeenschappen van Belgische zandstranden@nl
This is the first study on the epi- and hyperbenthic fauna of the surf zone of sandy beaches of the Belgian coast. Therefore, as a first objective of this thesis, a lot of... -
Survey dataset on <i>Pomatoschistus minutus</i> (Pallas, 1770) an...
Deze dataset werd bijeengebracht door het labo van Aquatische Ecologie (KULeuven) en omvat de gegevens afkomstig van een studie naar <i>Pomatoschistus minutus</i>... -
Harpacticoida species and meiofauna major taxa from Hooksiel
A quantitative small-scale snap-shot investigation on an intertidal sandflat in Jade Bay (North Sea) was conducted. -
Bionomy of macrobenthic amphipods, molluscs and polychaetes in the Evros Delt...
The composition and distribution of the macrobenthic amphipod, mollusc and polychaete fauna in the Evros Delta have been investigated. The distribution of species showed a... -
Hyperbenthische gemeenschappen van de Noordzee@nl
The spatio-temporal distribution of the hyperbenthos communities of the North Sea as well as the regulating factors shaping these communities were studied. -
Seasonal variation of the zooplankton community at Gazi, Lamu and Malindi (Ke...
Copepoda species list, zooplankton densities and measurement of environmental variables at Gazi, Malindi and Lamu sampled between March and December 1992. The data were... -
Jalta-Black Sea
Comparative studies of macro and meiozoobenthos condition around Jalta gulf under influence of domestic sewage discharge and recreation activity. -
Environmental impact assessment of oil pollution accident in Gialova lagoon a...
Dataset results regarding various parameters (Ash-free dry weight (AFDW) biomass , Benthic microbial activity (ATP), Chlorophyll a, Conductivity, Count, Current velocity water,... -
Phytoplankton and environmental study in the Southern North Sea between 1974 ...
Abundance of phytoplankton species and related environmental parameters for 8 zones in the Southern North Sea between October 1974 and October 1978. The data were digitized from... -
Tidal migration of nematodes on an estuarine tidal flat in the Western Scheldt
Data were collected in the framework of a multidisciplinary project ECOFLAT, which aims to study the ecometabolism of the Molenplaat (SW Netherlands). -
Verspreiding van pelagische organismen van het Belgisch Continentaal Plat@nl
Study of the dispersion and dispersal mechanisms of pelagic key species on the Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS). The focus of the dataset is on those species that have a pelagic... -
Characterisation of the habitat of the Flemish banks, the maritime country ba...
The hyperbenthic community of subtidal sandbanks is described (density, species composition) and related to abiotic variables in order to get an idea about the habitats and the... -
Environmental impact assessment of oil pollution accident in Gialova lagoon a...
Dataset results regarding various parameters (Ash-free dry weight (AFDW) biomass , Benthic microbial activity (ATP), Chlorophyll a, Conductivity, Count, Current velocity water,... -
The hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the Belgian Continental Shelf: habi...
The structural biodiversity of the hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the BCS is studied. Furthermore, ecological indicator species are determined which can be usefull... -
Survey dataset on Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770) and other gobies at t...
This dataset was generated by the Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology (KULeuven) and contains data that was gathered during a survey on <i>Pomatoschistus minutus</i> at... -
Bionomy of macrobenthic amphipods, molluscs and polychaetes in the Evros Delt...
The composition and distribution of the macrobenthic amphipod, mollusc and polychaete fauna in the Evros Delta have been investigated. The distribution of species showed a... -
Epi- and hyperbenthic communities of Belgian sandy beaches
This is the first study on the epi- and hyperbenthic fauna of the surf zone of sandy beaches of the Belgian coast. Therefore, as a first objective of this thesis, a lot of...