Semi-quantitative microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadd...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitative microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadd...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitative microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadd...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitative microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadd...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitative microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadd...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Surface data of the Peru-Chile Current, relative abundance of diatoms
Based on 76 surface sediment samples collected between ca. 22° and 44°S along the Chilean coast in the southeast Pacific Ocean, we report on the north-south distribution of opal...