May-June 2023 California Current Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF) Data
Continuous phytoplankton physiology measurements were collected with an FRRF onboard the R/V Sally Ride during the Phytoplankton UPwelling Responses (PUPCYCLE) Expedition II,... -
Temperature responses of different functional traits in Arctic phytoplankton
This study was conducted in autumn/winter 2021/2022 at the laboratory of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute Bremerhaven. To assess temperature response patterns of various functional... -
Growth response, toxin/pigment/nutrient content and photophysiological parame...
The effect of different light intensities (20, 100 and 200 μmol photons m-2 s-1) on the growth response, toxin/pigment/nutrient content and photophysiology of Alexandrium...