Türkisch-Englisch-Deutsch bei Herkunftssprechern (TEDH)
The TEDH has been created as part of the project "Foreign Language Acquisition in German-Turkish bilinguals". The TEDH Corpus contains interviews in three languages:... -
The TÜ_DE-L1-Korpus is a corpus of spoken child language that has been collected in the project Specific Language Impairment and Early Successive Language Acquisition... -
Dolmetschen im Krankenhaus (DiK)
Transcription of audio recordings of various kinds of doctor-patient communication in hospitals. There are both monolingual conversations in German, Portuguese and Turkish,... -
EXMARaLDA Demo corpus 1.1
A selection of short audio and video recordings in various languages to be used for instruction or demonstration of the EXMARaLDA system. The EXMARaLDA Demo Corpus is a small... -
Subcorpus of the ENDFAS/SKOBI Korpus. -
Dolmetschen im Krankenhaus (DiK)
Transcriptions of audio recordings of various kinds of doctor-patient communication in hospitals. There are both monolingual conversations in German, Portuguese and Turkish,... -
Community Interpreting Database Pilot Corpus (ComInDat)
Audio and video recordings of various types of community interpreted discourse (doctor-patient communication, simulated doctor-patient communication, courtroom communication) in... -
Audio recordings of evocative field experiments (picture story, retelling, spontaneous discourse etc.) with Turkish/German bilingual children and monolingual Turkish /...