Likelihood-Based Inference and Prediction in Spatio-Temporal Panel Count Mode...
We develop a panel count model with a latent spatio-temporal heterogeneous state process for monthly severe crimes at the census-tract level in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our... -
Density Forecasts With Midas Models (replication data)
We propose a parametric block wild bootstrap approach to compute density forecasts for various types of mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) regressions. First, Monte Carlo simulations... -
Granger Causality and Regime Inference in Markov Switching VAR Models with Ba...
In this paper, we derive restrictions for Granger noncausality in MS-VAR models and show under what conditions a variable does not affect the forecast of the hidden Markov... -
On the Stability of the Excess Sensitivity of Aggregate Consumption Growth in...
This paper investigates whether there is time variation in the excess sensitivity of aggregate consumption growth to anticipated aggregate disposable income growth using... -
The Effectiveness of Non-Standard Monetary Policy Measures: Evidence from Sur...
We assess professional forecasters' perceptions of the effects of the unconventional monetary policy measures announced by the US Federal Reserve after the collapse of Lehman... -
Monetary Policy and Asset Prices: A Markov-Switching DSGE Approach (replicati...
This paper estimates a Markov-switching dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model by incorporating stock prices in monetary policy rules in order to identify the Federal... -
Anchoring the yield curve using survey expectations (replication data)
The dynamic behavior of the term structure of interest rates is difficult to replicate with models, and even models with a proven track record of empirical performance have... -
Structural FECM: Cointegration in large‐scale structural FAVAR models (replic...
Starting from the dynamic factor model for nonstationary data we derive the factor-augmented error correction model (FECM) and its moving-average representation. The latter is... -
Dynamic spatial autoregressive models with autoregressive and heteroskedastic...
We propose a new class of models specifically tailored for spatiotemporal data analysis. To this end, we generalize the spatial autoregressive model with autoregressive and... -
Real exchange rate persistence and the excess return puzzle: The case of Swit...
The PPP puzzle refers to the wide swings of nominal exchange rates around their long-run equilibrium values whereas the excess return puzzle represents the persistent deviation... -
Identifying relevant and irrelevant variables in sparse factor models (replic...
This paper considers factor estimation from heterogeneous data, where some of the variables-the relevant ones-are informative for estimating the factors, and others-the... -
Unobserved selection heterogeneity and the gender wage gap (replication data)
Selection correction methods usually make assumptions about selection itself. In the case of gender wage gap estimation, those assumptions are especially tenuous because of high... -
Economies of diversification in the US credit union sector (replication data)
Significant scale economies have been recently cited to rationalize a dramatic growth in the US retail credit union sector over the past few decades. In this paper, we explore... -
DDI2.5 XML CODEBOOK RECORD FOR STUDY NUMBER 3307 Census of Population, 1910 ...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This nationally representative sample of the United States population in 1910 was drawn from manuscript...