New and recalculated U-Th zircon ages from large-silicic eruptions of Atitlán...
This dataset presents zircon 238U-230Th disequilibrium dates from multiple tephra samples from the Atitlán caldera in Guatemala, Central America. Zircon 238U-230Th isotope... -
Bulk-rock U-series isotope compositions of Atitlán tephras (Table S2)
This dataset presents U-series bulk-rock results from two samples of large silicic eruptions from the Atitlán caldera in Guatemala, Central America. Sample one represents the... -
Whole-rock U-Th and Sr-Nd isotope compositions of Ilopango TB suite (Table S9)
This dataset includes results from U-series and Sr-Nd whole-rock isotope compositions of the last four explosive silicic eruptions from Ilopango caldera in El Salvador (TBJ,... -
U-Series isotopes analytical results (U & Th) on core PS2757-8 (KAL)
Core PS2757-8 was taken with a Kastenlot corer (KAL) on the Lomonosov Ridge next to the Russian continental shelf during the Polarstern expedition ARK-XI/1 in 1995. This... -
U-Series isotopes analytical results (U & Th) on core PS2757-6 (MUC)
Core PS2757-6 was retrieved with a multicorer (MUC) on the Lomonosov Ridge next to the Russian continental shelf during the Polarstern expedition ARK-XI/1 in 1995. This... -
238U-230Th zircon crystallization ages from Ilopango caldera TB eruptions (Ta...
This dataset includes results from U-Th disequilibria dating from zircon rims (outermost crystal face) and crystal interiors (polished crystals) of the last four explosive... -
(Table S5) 238U and 232Th measurements in residues remaining after acid disso...
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(Table S4) 238U and 232Th measurements in handpicked detrital carbonates in s...
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(Table S3) 238U and 232Th measurements in handpicked bulk IRDs in sediment c...
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(Table S2) 238U and 232Th measurements in leaching residues in sediment core ...
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(Appendix Table 9) Isotope activity of sediment core PS1528-3
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(Appendix Table 8) Isotope activity of sediment core PS1524-2
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(Appendix Table 7) Isotope activity of sediment core PS1526-20
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(Appendix Table 6) Isotope activity of sediment core PS1526-12
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(Appendix Table 5) Isotope activity measured in surface sediment samples from...
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U-Th isotope systematics and light stable isotope data of carbonate enriched ...
Values with # mark highly unreliable ages characterized by uncertainties larger than the deduced age or even dominated by 230Th correction values as well as isochron approaches... -
U-Th isotope systematics and light stable isotope data of carbonate enriched ...
Values with # mark highly unreliable ages characterized by uncertainties larger than the deduced age or even dominated by 230Th correction values as well as isochron approaches... -
Leaching experiments of sediment core EW9303-37JPC
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(Table S2) Uranium/Thorium isotopic composition of in situ Porites microatoll...
Uranium/Thorium isotopic composition of 72 in situ Porites microatolls from five islands in French Polynesia. Recommendations of Dutton et al. were followed for the... -
Uranium/Thorium isotopic composition of various mid-late Holocene features co...
Uranium/Thorium isotopic composition of 165 samples from various mid-late Holocene features, such as in situ Porites microatolls, in situ reef flats, conglomerates and reworked...