Comparative Evaluation of Animated Scatter Plot Transitions - Supplemental Ma...
We evaluated several animations for transitions between scatter plots in a crowd-sourcing study. We published the results in a paper and provide additional information within... -
ARound the Smartphone: Investigating the Effects of Virtually-Extended Displa...
Data set for the gathered user study data of the paper "ARound the Smartphone: Investigating the Effects of Virtually-Extended Display Size on Spatial Memory" (CHI'23). Paper... -
Supplemental Materials for: Comparative Evaluation of Bipartite, Node-Link, a...
The supplemental materials of the paper titled Comparative Evaluation of Bipartite, Node-Link, and Matrix-Based Network Representations, which was accepted for presentation at... -
Comparative Evaluation of Animated Scatter Plot Transitions - Supplemental Ma...
We evaluated several animations for transitions between scatter plots in a crowd-sourcing study. We published the results in a paper and provide additional information within... -
ARound the Smartphone: Investigating the Effects of Virtually-Extended Displa...
Data set for the gathered user study data of the paper "ARound the Smartphone: Investigating the Effects of Virtually-Extended Display Size on Spatial Memory" (CHI'23). Paper... -
Supplemental Materials for: Comparative Evaluation of Bipartite, Node-Link, a...
The supplemental materials of the paper titled Comparative Evaluation of Bipartite, Node-Link, and Matrix-Based Network Representations, which was accepted for presentation at... -
Appendix: Clustering and Derivation of Design Principles
The material provided presents the raw data of the user study. Based on the comments raised, we identified the underlying concepts and clustered to gain requirements. Those are... -
Chatbot as Advisers dataset
A dataset from an online studies on a simulated social trading platform using a chatbot to give participants advice on investment. 64 participants interacted with a chatbot...