(Table 1) Index properties, and calcium carbonate and opal content of ODP Cor...
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(Table 1) Calcium carbonate and Si-opal concentrations of samples from ODP Si...
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(Table 7) Carbonate, opal, terrigenous fraction, and dry bulk density of ODP ...
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(Table 6) Carbonate, opal, terrigenous fraction, and dry bulk density of ODP ...
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(Table 5) Carbonate, opal, terrigenous fraction, and dry bulk density of ODP ...
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(Table 4) Carbonate, opal, terrigenous fraction, and dry bulk density of ODP ...
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(Table 4) Sediment composition, d15N, and Th-normalized paleoflux and ex. 231...
AGE (ka) is based on accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dates (Labracherie et al., 1989) dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.358352. Paleofluxes and ex. 231Pa 0/ex. 230Th 0 activity... -
(Table A1) CaCO3 and opal content of sediment core RC11-120
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(Table A7) CaCO3, opal, and stable isotope ratios of Cibicides spp. from sedi...
The ages have been derived through oxygen isotope stratigraphy with various supplemental control points from 14C and biostratigraphy and are given as calculated ages. -
(Table A4) CaCO3, opal, and stable oxygen isotope ratios of Neogloboquadrina ...
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(Table A2) CaCO3, opal, and stable oxygen isotope ratios of Neogloboquadrina ...
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(Table 1) Coarse fraction (>150 µm), calcium carbonate, oxygen and carbon iso...
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(Table 1) Age determination and analysis of organic matter of sediment core R...
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(Table 1) Age determination and analysis of organic matter of sediment core R...
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(Table 1) Age determination and analysis of organic matter of sediment core R...
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(Table 2) Age determination and analysis of organic matter of sediment core R...
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(Table 2) Age determination and analysis of organic matter of sediment core R...
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(Table 2) Age determination and analysis of organic matter of sediment core R...
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(Table 1) Stable oxygen isotope ratios of Globigerina bulloides and calcium c...
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(Table 1) Calcium carbonate abundance in ODP Leg 164 sites
Diffuse reflectance spectra measured during shipboard core description with a hand-held Minolta spectrophotometer are reliable data for interpreting sediment composition. Factor...