Sequential Wind-Doppler LiDAR wind profile measurements on the Gotthard pass ...
This data include wind speeds, wind directions, turbulence, temperature, pressure and humidity data of 10 LiDAR locations along a transect in the Gotthard wind park taken in... -
Weather Station Klosters
A weather station (Lufft WS600) measured meteorological parameters at Klosters (LON: 9.880413, LAT: 46.869019). Detailed information on the specifications can be found here. -
Long-term meteorological and snow station at 2090 m a.s.l., Stillberg, Davos,...
Important This EnviDat entry is outdated. The most recent, usable version of the data can be found under the new EnviDat entry "Long-term meteorological station Stillberg,... -
Snow Drift Station - 3D Ultrasonic
A Young 81000 sonic anemomenter was deployed at Gotschnagrat (LON: 46.859 LAT: 9.849) to record three components of the wind velocity (u, v, w in [m s‾ ¹]) and air... -
Saltation of cohesive granular materials
The wind-driven saltation of sand and snow shapes dunes and ripples, generates dust emission, and erodes the surface of the Antarctic ice sheet. Here, we use a model based on... -
Radiosondes (Windsond, Sparv Embedded AB) were started in Davos Wolfgang (LON: 9.853594, LAT: 46.835577) to report height profiles of pressure, relative humidity and temperature... -
Wind LIDAR Davos Wolfgang
Scanning wind Lidar from Meteoswiss was installed at Davos Wolfgang (LON: 9.853594, LAT: 46.835577) and measured from 200 m above ground to 8100 m. The time resolution is up to...