Seawater carbonate chemistry and respiration and growth rates of F0 and F1 la...
European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a large, economically important fish species with a long generation time whose long-term resilience to ocean acidification (OA) and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and biological processes during experiments with...
Ocean acidification and associated changes in seawater carbonate chemistry negatively influence calcification processes and depress metabolism in many calcifying marine... -
Pore water chemistry and saturation indices in sediment pore-water from the C...
Pore water was extracted from the core with 5 cm CSS Rhizon samplers (Rhizosphere, Wageningen, Netherlands).Saturation index is given as log₁₀(IAP/Ksp) with IAP = Ion activity... -
(Fig. 3) Sepia officinalis standard metobolic rate and seawater pH (NBS) duri...
Ocean acidification and associated changes in seawater carbonate chemistry negatively influence calcification processes and depress metabolism in many calcifying marine... -
Experimental conditions for respiration and growth studies of F0 and F1 larva...
Water parameters in the 2 years before spawning of F0 (08.02.2016-06.03.2018) and during larval and juvenile phase of F1: Larval period until 17.05.2018 (48 dph, 900 dd) and... -
Physicochemical water conditions during laboratory incubation of European sea...
L = larvaeJ = juvenilesC = cold conditionedW = warm conditionedA = ambientSW = ambient sea water -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and aerobic performance of coral reef fishes dur...
Concerns about the impacts of ocean acidification on marine life have mostly focused on how reduced carbonate saturation affects calcifying organisms. Here, we show that levels... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and biological processes during experiments with...
The persistence of most coastal marine species depends on larvae finding suitable adult habitat at the end of an offshore dispersive stage that can last weeks or months. We...