Testing protein location in curved lipid bilayers using oriented lipid cubic ...
This proposal will test whether membrane proteins within lipid cubic phases preferentially sit in more or less curved bilayer regions, using our recent advances in preparing... -
Dye...TiO2 interfacial structure of working electrodes in dye-sensitized sola...
The transparent and low-cost nature of dye-sensitised solar cells (DSCs) affords them niche prospects for electricity-generating windows in buildings for energy-sustainable... -
Study of Small molecule effects on AB interactions with model lipid layer by ...
Neutron reflectometery will be used to provide the vital information about the interaction/conformation of the organophosphonate compound on the lipid structure in the... -
Dye...TiO2 interfacial structure of working electrodes in dye-sensitized sola...
The transparent and low-cost nature of dye-sensitised solar cells (DSCs) affords them niche prospects for electricity-generating windows in buildings for energy-sustainable... -
Neutron reflectivity for lithium battery SEI formation
We will use neutron reflectivity to probe the formation of the passivating layer which forms on lithium battery electrodes, which ultimately governs their long term performance.... -
Adsorption of Alkylphenols onto the Surface of Polyamide-imide from Oil
Polyamide-imides are an important class of engineering polymers whose applications often call for high wear resistance whilst maintaining suitable lubrication. An understanding... -
Investigation into the Effect of Crystallographic Orientation on the Observed...
Neutron capture analysis allows for the measurement of the mean kinetic energy of the nucleus prior to capture. This technique can give insight into motion of atoms as well as... -
Spatial, Chemical, and Temporal Resolution of Platinum-Catalysed Benzene Conv...
This proposal aims to study the potential for neutron diffraction to offer spatially-, chemically-, and temporally-resolved information on a dynamic system, in this case the... -
Spectroscopy of muon centres in n-type silicon carbide
We propose a series of measurements to complete the previous direct spectroscopic measurements of the Muonium defect energy levels in Silicon Carbide (SiC; RB110134). We will... -
The Power of Neutron Reflectivity for Batteries
Catastrophic failures of lithium batteries is a major safety concern, however our understanding and control over the mechanisms of these failures is still lacking. Lithium is...