Panel Estimates of a Two-Tiered Earnings Frontier (replication data)
This paper uses panel data to estimate a two-tiered instead of a one-tiered frontier model. The innovation is to develop a two-step maximum likelihood procedure yielding... -
Ethnic wage differences in Malaysia: parametric and semiparametric estimation...
Parametric and semiparametric estimated wage equations, which correct for sample selection bias, are used to assess the returns to eduction and extent of ethnic discrimination... -
Wage differentials across firms: an application of multilevel modelling (repl...
Multilevel modelling techniques are applied to a dataset that matches firms and workers, to pinpoint and explain contrasts among company wage policies. Results indicate that... -
Gender, race, pay and promotion in the British nursing profession: estimation...
We analyse job grading within the UK National Health Service nursing profession, using 1994 survey data. We start from the ordered probit model, for which we develop and apply... -
Counterfactual decomposition of changes in wage distributions using quantile ...
We propose a method to decompose the changes in the wage distribution over a period of time in several factors contributing to those changes. The method is based on the... -
Permanent and transitory wages of British men, 1975–2001: year, age and cohor...
We examine the mean and variance-covariance structure of log-wages over calendar time and the life cycle of British men, hereby controlling for birth cohort effects. We... -
A nonparametric decomposition of the Mexican American average wage gap (repli...
This paper shows that average wage gap decompositions between any two groups of workers can be carried out using nonparametric wage structures. It also proposes an algorithm to... -
Isolating the Roles of Individual Covariates in Reweighting Estimation (repli...
A host of recent research has used reweighting methods to analyze the extent to which observable characteristics predict between-group differences in the distribution of an... -
Efficient estimation of factor models with time and cross-sectional dependenc...
This paper studies the efficient estimation of large-dimensional factor models with both time and cross-sectional dependence assuming (N,T) separability of the covariance... -
Unobserved selection heterogeneity and the gender wage gap (replication data)
Selection correction methods usually make assumptions about selection itself. In the case of gender wage gap estimation, those assumptions are especially tenuous because of high...