Effects of the German minimum wage on earnings and working time using establi...
This study examines the short-term effects of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany on hourly wages, monthly wages and paid working hours. We exploit a novel... -
The Netherlands’ minimum wage 1969-2022: Can we learn from decline?
This paper evaluates the evolution of the Dutch minimum wage since its introduction in 1969 and discusses this as an intriguing case suggesting that a deeper, economic analysis... -
Data and code: What explains differences in minimum wage growth between EU me...
The dataset contains data and code used in the article, Baumann, Arne: "What explains differences in minimum wage growth in EU member staes?", Journal of Economics and... -
Ladenöffnungszeiten/Lohnnebenkosten 1997
Thema: Ladenöffnungszeiten, Lohnnebenkosten Probability Telephone interview: CATI -
Omnibus Survey: Threats to Austria; Daily policy; Electricity from alternativ...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Introduction of the EURO 1997
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Befragung über Löhne und Preise 1957
Thema: Befragung über Löhne und Preise Probability Face-to-face interview -
Omnibus Survey: European Union and European Parliament; Labour market and wag...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
The Role of Social Partnerships 1997
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Verwijzing naar de data van: WageIndicator continuous web-survey on work and ...
The WageIndicator Survey is a continuous, multilingual, multi-country web-survey, counducted across 65 countries since 2000. The web-survey generates cross sectional and... -
Loonwijzer 2000 2004
Survey among male and female employees, concerning work and income in about 120 different professions. Sector in which respondent is working / name of profession / level of... -
Vrouwenloonwijzer 2000-2001 - VLW 2000-2001
Survey among Dutch working women. The questionnaire contains six clusters of questions: A. profession and industry, B. the organisation, C. employment record, D. working hours,... -
Ladenöffnungszeiten/Lohnnebenkosten 1997
Thema: Ladenöffnungszeiten, Lohnnebenkosten Probability Telephone interview: CATI -
Omnibus Survey: Threats to Austria; Daily policy; Electricity from alternativ...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Introduction of the EURO 1997
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Befragung über Löhne und Preise 1957
Thema: Befragung über Löhne und Preise Probability Face-to-face interview -
Omnibus Survey: European Union and European Parliament; Labour market and wag...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
The Role of Social Partnerships 1997
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Robots at work? Pitfalls of industry level data (replication data)
Replication material for "Robots at work? Pitfalls of industry level data" by Karim Bekhtiar, Benjamin Bittschi and Richard Sellner. Published in Journal of Applied... -
Minimum Wage Effects on Job Attachment: A Gender Perspective ‘(replication data)
Readme and STATA codes for replicating the results in "Minimum wage effects on job attachment: A gender perspective" by Eva Garcia-Moran, Ming-Jin Jiang, and Heiko Rachinger.