SEASON : System for Evaluation of Agriculture faiSability using indicatOrs co...
SEASON (System for Evaluation of Agriculture faiSability using indicatOrs combiNation) est une chaîne de calculs d'indicateurs agro-climatiques et éco-climatiques utilisant des... -
EUDAT D8.1: Report of Requirements
The aim of this deliverable is to lay out the ground for future work in WP8 by providing a clear list of additional services that should be developed as well as an initial list... -
A bridge between trust and control: Computational workflows meet automated ba...
Compliance with good research data management practices means trust in the integrity of the data, and it is achievable by a full control of the data gathering process. In this... -
SICLIMA : Système d’information de données climatiques maillées
SICLIMA (Système d’information de données climatiques maillées) est une application web à destination des agents INRAE qui comporte deux parties : extraction de données pour... -
A bridge between trust and control: Computational workflows meet automated ba...
Compliance with good research data management practices means trust in the integrity of the data, and it is achievable by a full control of the data gathering process. In this... -
Information sur les mailles SAFRAN
Fichier regroupant plusieurs attributs rattachés à la maille SAFRAN (8kmx8km) : - attributs géographiques (coordonnées et altitude), - attributs sol, - occupation du sol, -... -
The Climate Change Workflow of the Flood Event Explorer: Analysis of climate-...
The Climate Change Workflow is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in close collaboration... -
The Flood Similarity Workflow of the Flood Event Explorer: Identification, as...
The Flood Similarity Workflow is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences . It is funded by the... -
The River Plume Workflow of the Flood Event Explorer: Detection and impact as...
The River Plume Workflow is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in close collaboration with... -
The Smart Monitoring Workflow (Tocap) of the Flood Event Explorer: Determinin...
The Smart Monitoring Workflow (Tocap) is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in close... -
The Socio-Economic Flood Impacts Workflow of the Flood Event Explorer: Identi...
The Socio-Economic Flood Impacts Workflow is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences . It is...