XRF scanning for Plio-Pleistocene periods of ODP Site 108-659
DEPTH, sediment/rock [m] = Depth, composite [mcd]. -
Major element analyses of ODP Site 108-659 for the Last Glacial cycle
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Physical/chemical properties and stable oxygen and carbon isotope records of ...
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Physical/chemical properties and stable oxygen and carbon isotope records of ...
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Physical/chemical properties and stable oxygen and carbon isotope records of ...
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Physical/chemical properties and stable oxygen and carbon isotope records of ...
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Physical/chemical properties and stable oxygen and carbon isotope records of ...
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Geochemistry of the solid phase of IODP Site 306-U1314
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Element intensities and concentrations of K, Ti and Ca, true molar ratios of ...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Element intensities were measured with X-ray fluorescence core scanning in Bremen (core scanner XRF2) at 10 kV. True molar ratios and... -
(Supplement Table 3) X-ray fluorescence data (Al, Si, Ca, Fe) of sediment cor...
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Solid phase analyses of sediment core GeoB22908-2
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Fe/Ca ratios of splice sediment cores GeoB3375-1 and GeoB15016
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High resolution XRF scanning measurements from the spliced core of ODP Site 1...
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High resolution XRF scanning measurements of ODP Hole 159-959B
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High resolution XRF scanning measurements of ODP Hole 159-959C
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High resolution XRF scanning measurements of ODP Hole 159-959A
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X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Ca intensity of sediment core MD04-2788
DEPTH, sediment/rock: corrected depthAGE: C14 uncalibrated ageThe analysis was founded by Comer Science and Education Foundation (CS&EF) -
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Ca intensity of sediment core MD04-2760
DEPTH, sediment/rock: corrected depthAGE: C14 uncalibrated ageThe analysis was founded by Comer Science and Education Foundation (CS&EF) -
(Figure S3) Bulk element concentrations from multicore GeoB9501-4 measured wi...
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(Figure S3) Bulk element concentrations from gravity core GeoB9501-5 measured...
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