Ahr river overbank sediments: XRF elemental composition data set (Mayschoß-Tr...
The elemental composition of samples from four sediment cores from the Mayschoß floodplain (Ahr river) was determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). In the first... -
Geochemistry of basalt from the Polaris hydrothermal field, Gakkel Ridge
This dataset contains bulk geochemistry of pillow basalt collected at the Polaris hydrothermal field on the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean. The samples were... -
Bulk rock compositions and radiogenic isotope ratios of mafic rocks from the ...
This dataset contains bulk geochemical data of variably altered mafic rocks (basalt and diabase) from the Langseth Ridge and Afanasenkov Seamount, two volcanic centers on the... -
Geochemistry of sediment cores from three fjords of Svalbard
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X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements of floodplain sediments from NEP 1, NEP...
This data set presents bulk sample-based X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements. For XRF sample preparation freeze-dried sediments from silt-clay overbank deposits of the Eger... -
Major and trace elements of the Woniusi rock associations
a FeOT, total iron as FeO, FeOT=FeO+0.9 *Fe2O3. b LOI, loss on ignition. c Mg# = 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fetotal) in atomic ratio. -
Discrete bulk Spectro Xepos XRF data of Holocene lake sediments from Lake Sid...
The North African desert margin is considered one of the areas most sensitive to future climate changes. Improved knowledge about Holocene climatic variability and environmental... -
XRF data sheet: overbank silt-clay deposition sampling (4*4 km grid, Weiße El...
We used stationary XRF spectrometry for analysing elemental composition of bank and streambed samples from Weiße Elster sub-basins (refined grids of 44 km). For XRF sample... -
XRF element data of fluvial deposits from the Weiße Elster catchment
We used stationary XRF spectrometry for analysing elemental composition of bank and streambed samples from Weiße Elster sub-basins (111 grids of 8*8 km). For XRF sample... -
Ferromanganese nodules and crusts chemical analysis of samples from cruise L5...
The cooperative cruise of the R/V S.P. Lee in 1983 provided an excellent opportunity for a wide-range interlaboratory study on samples of crusts ground and sieved aboard the... -
Average chemical composition of ferromanganese crusts from L9-84-CP (R/V S.P....
The average chemical metal composition of ferromanganese crusts was determined through various samples dredged during the L9-84-CP (R/V S.P. Lee) expedition by the United States... -
Bulk chemical analysis of selected manganese nodules retrieved during VA13/2 ...
Manganese nodules from VA13/2 cruise (R/V Valdivia) were selected for a variety of morphologies and size. They were regrouped by size class and chemically analyzed in bulk. Mn,... -
Chemical composition of Mn nodule 44 TKD and Mn crust 40 TKD retrieved in the...
During the campaign SO23/2 (R/V Sonne) in the South China sea various manganese deposits were retrieved by dredging. Two representative samples were selected for chemical... -
Average composition of manganese nodules from various size classes from Stati...
Four hundred and twenty kilograms of manganese nodules were recovered at Station U205 in the Tasman Sea. They were sorted by size class. Representative subsets for each size... -
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements of floodplain sediments from NEP 3, Nör...
This data set presents 14 bulk sample-based X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements. For XRF sample preparation freeze-dried sediments (8 g) were seaved (2mm) to discard the... -
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements of floodplain sediments from NEP 2, Nör...
This data set presents 14 bulk sample-based X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements. For XRF sample preparation freeze-dried sediments (8 g) were seaved (2mm) to discard the... -
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements of fluvial sediments from NEP 1, Nördli...
This data set presents 14 bulk sample-based X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements. For XRF sample preparation freeze-dried sediments (8 g) were seaved (2mm) to discard the... -
Major element, trace element and Sr isotope data of selected magmas from the ...
The dataset contains whole rock geochemical data of Oligocene to Miocene volcanic and plutonic rocks from the Aegean region, Greece. The samples originate from outcrops in... -
X-ray fluorescence comparison between conventional XRF (University of Edinbur...
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XRF derived elemental ratios and carbon content from ODP Site 177-722
Data included in this entry was sampled from ODP Site 722 (16.6218°N/59.7953°E). Original drilling was carried out by E/V JOIDES Resolution as part of ODP leg 117 between 6th...