Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1975/76
Respondenti izrazijo strinjanje z morebitnimi ukrepi, ki bi prispevali k ekonomski stabilizaciji. V sklopu vprašanj o mednarodnih odnosih in obrambi anketiranci najprej navedejo... -
A historical land use data set for the Holocene; HYDE 3.2 (replaced)
-This dataset is replaced by a new version, see below.- Land use plays an important role in the climate system (Feddema et al., 2005). Many ecosystem processes are directly or... -
A historical land use data set for the Holocene; HYDE 3.2 (version 2, replaced)
-This dataset is replaced by a new version, see below.- Land use plays an important role in the climate system (Feddema et al., 2005). Many ecosystem processes are directly or... -
Anthropogenic land-use estimates for the Holocene; HYDE 3.2
Land use plays an important role in the climate system (Feddema et al., 2005). Many ecosystem processes are directly or indirectly climate driven, and together with human driven... -
An algorithm to detect endangered Cultural Heritage by agricultural expansion...
An algorithm that combines Big Earth Data and geospatial analysis in Google Earth Engine for the automated detection of archaeological mounds and Cultural Heritage sites that... -
Silage and animal feed yeasts from Hungary
Yeast were collected from silage and non-fermented feed samples from Hungary, S. cerevisiae isolates were sequenced. Bacterial metabarcoding analysis was performed on the feed... -
Stream monitoring data from the citizen science project FLOW, 2021 - 2023
This dataset contains the results of the citizen science stream monitoring project FLOW (www.flow-projekt.de), which aims to complement official freshwater monitoring programs... -
The Origins of Agriculture and Sedentary Communities in Northeast China
The goal of the research was to address the development of sedentism and agriculture in the Fuxin (阜新) area of western Liaoning Province, and more broadly in northeast China.... -
Udhruh Oral History Project Interview 14
Interview with Soliman 'Ali and his son. He owns a shop in Wadi Musa, and a piece of land for agriculture in Udhruh. Parts of the interview are not yet translated and... -
Patronen van kommunikatie en hun organisatorisch verband bij de landbouwvoorl...
The organization of communication patterns in agricultural information service / assistants were asked about the farmers in their districts / contacts with the farmers / the... -
Landbouwtelling, arbeidskrachten 1965
Agricultural census. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment -
European Communities Study, 1971
The study contained four major sections: a measure of the respondents' feelings of regional belonging, their awareness of and ideas about agricultural problems, their opinions... -
Emigranten naar Amerika in de 19e eeuw 1980
Determining demographic, economic and social factors explaining variance in Dutch emigration to the United States in the mid 19th century. Population data of Dutch censuses of... -
Agrarische-sociale voorlichting in het gebied Epe-Heerde 1963,1967,1969
Work and housing situation / making investments / getting necessary information / attitude to re-allocation of land / general social attitude. Background variables: basic... -
Opinie onderzoek Sofres, Frankrijk 1971
Wave 1 attitude ( social distance ) to Jews / are they as French as other groups / perception of their attitude to Israel and french foreign policy in near east / most important... -
Afvloeiing uit en aanpassing in de landbouw 1968
Farm and personnel / successor / attitude to change in modern times / contacts with immigrants / status of farmers / attitude to the farmer's work / motivations to leave farming... -
Boerenpartij en radikalisme ( Krimpenerwaard, Bevermeer ) 1966-1967
Developments in farming / attitude towards government agricultural policy / authoritarianism / anomy / political preferences / attitude towards political party 'Boerenpartij'.... -
Health and family in an agricultural community 1971
Family situation / occupation of husband / marriage / financial relationship between husband and wife / personal worries and problems and mutual perception of these between... -
Aansluiting middelbaar agrarisch onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt 1990
Two cohorts of students finished their secondary agricultural education (MAO) in the years 1978 and 1987 were traced and they were asked to evaluate their education and their... -
Representatieve elite 1980-1981
To what extent does possible selectivity in participation in participation-procedures lead to selectivity in participation results. Interest in local and regional news /...