Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Västernorrland (Gästrikland, Hälsi...
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Västmanland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Öland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Östergötland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Halland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Jämtland och Härjedalen
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Kopparbergs län (Dalarna)
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Örebro län (Närke och Värmland)
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Småland, Västergötland och Dalsland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Södermanland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Uppsala och Stockholms län
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Västerbotten
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Svenskt historiskt fenologidataset
The dataset contains reports of phenological observations, made at more than 700 locations throughout Sweden between 1865 and 1951. The observations were mainly conducted by... -
Innovation in agri-food systems – A systematic mapping of the literature (199...
This study systematically explores, analyses, reports on and synthesises research on the topic of sectoral innovation systems related to agriculture and agri-food in OECD... -
Innovation in agri-food systems – A systematic mapping of the literature (199...
This study systematically explores, analyses, reports on and synthesises research on the topic of sectoral innovation systems related to agriculture and agri-food in OECD... -
Innovationsspridning och upptagandet av innovationer i lantbrukssföretag och ...
The aim of this study is firstly to systematically explore, analyse, report on and synthesise the scientific studies on the topic of diffusion and adoption of innovations from... -
Svensk valundersökning 1970
The 1970 election study differs from the others because the entire survey was carried out after election day. Different techniques were used: about 1/3 of the sample were... -
Svenskt lantbruk under omställning - lantbrukshushållens villkor och strategi...
This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are... -
Innovation in agri-food systems – A systematic mapping of the literature (199...
This study systematically explores, analyses, reports on and synthesises research on the topic of sectoral innovation systems related to agriculture and agri-food in OECD...