GEOS-Chem model output used to assess UK public and ecosystem health benefits...
NetCDF files of data generated and used as part of Marais et al. (2023) submitted for review to AGU's GeoHealth journal. The data used, but not generated in this work are not... -
Svensk valundersökning 1970
The 1970 election study differs from the others because the entire survey was carried out after election day. Different techniques were used: about 1/3 of the sample were... -
Svenskt lantbruk under omställning - lantbrukshushållens villkor och strategi...
This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are... -
Innovation in agri-food systems – A systematic mapping of the literature (199...
This study systematically explores, analyses, reports on and synthesises research on the topic of sectoral innovation systems related to agriculture and agri-food in OECD... -
Innovationsspridning och upptagandet av innovationer i lantbrukssföretag och ...
The aim of this study is firstly to systematically explore, analyse, report on and synthesise the scientific studies on the topic of diffusion and adoption of innovations from... -
Satellite-derived estimates of ammonia emissions in the UK
UK monthly mean ammonia emissions estimated using satellite observations and the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model for March to September at ~10 km spatial resolution. -
GEOS-Chem model output for diagnosing sources of fine particles (PM2.5) in UK...
Data are monthly and annual mean total and components of PM2.5 over the UK in the lowest model layer for comparison to surface concentrations of PM2.5 and assessment of air... -
Landscape Dynamics (1860-2006) in LTER Research Site Stubai Valley, Austria
The dataset provides information about landscape dynamics in a diverse cultivated region which are displayed through shapefiles. The aim of the study was to calculate and... -
Terra Preta – Entstehung und Rolle für Klimaschutz und Stoffkreisläufe
Terra Preta ist ein alter Siedlungsboden, geprägt durch Jahrhunderte andauernden Eintrag großer Mengen an Verkohlungsrückständen (Pflanzenkohle),... -
Crop yields, area and production in France 1900-2018
Here we present a data set of crop performance in France, one of Europe’s major crop producers. The data set comprises ten crops (barley, maize, oats, potatoes, rapeseed,... -
LPJmL4 model code and model output for: Global cotton production under climat...
LPJmL4 is a process-based model that simulates climate and land-use change impacts on the terrestrial biosphere, the water and carbon cycle and on agricultural production. The... -
Model output for: “Feeding ten billion people is possible within four terrest...
The netCDF data stored here represent crop production simulations from the LPJmL biosphere model underlying the different steps of the U-turn portrayed in the main paper by... -
Supplement to: Quantifying groundwater exploitation induced subsidence in the...
This data publication provides supplementary material to Motagh et. al (2017), which presents the results of an InSAR time series analysis obtained by the exploitation of...