Brown algae microbial communities from La Jolla Tide Pools, CA, USA - Dictyot...
Brown algae blade collected from La Jolla Tide Pools, California -
Sargassum and Seawater metagenomes
The goal of this study was to investigate the functional genomics of Sargassum sp. metagenomes (n=5), surrounding seawater metagenomes (n=5), and viromes (n=5). Samples were... -
Carrageenophyte-attached and planktonic bacterial communities in two bays of ...
The bacterial community composition of Eucheumatoid macroalgae or carrageenophytes (Kappaphycus spp.and Euchema denticulatum) and bacterioplankton were studied in two bays of... -
Microbiota associated with Tetraselmis suecica
Phycospheric bacterial communities associated with different Tetraselmis suecica F& M - M33 cultures. Cultures were originated by the same non-axenic ancestral microalgal... -
algae metagenome Raw sequence reads
Brown tides have occurred in the Bohai Sea of China since 2009 and caused serious losses in aquaculture. In recent years, phytoplankton identification has been greatly promoted... -
Comparison studies of epiphytic microbial communities on four macroalgae and ...
Macroalgae are key and engineering species on rocky shores worldwide, which support diverse and abundant microbiota with functions of biochemical cycling, host health and... -
Trans-Atlantic Fucus microbiome
Understanding the resilience of intertidal communities to climate change requires understanding the microbiomes of macrophytic algae that are key ecosystem engineers and/or... -
Local vs Site level effects of algae on coral microbial communities
16S rRNA gene sequences of coral microbiomes from different sites around Moorea and Mangareva, French Polynesia that vary in algal cover -
Study of seaweed associated microbiome from the Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan
The surface of seaweed serves as an interactive face between the seaweed and the surrounding environment. These microbial communities experience changes in response to... -
Bacterial communities associated with the marine green algae from the genera ...
16S rRNA gene amplification and shotgun sequencing was performed on the bacterial DNA from the surface of macroalgae and planktonic communities from surrounding seawater in... -
golden tide bacterial amplicon sequencing
S. horneri, 16S rDNA, high throughput sequencing, endophytes and epiphytes -
Continental-scale variation in seaweed host-associated bacterial communities ...
Interactions between hosts and associated microbial communities can fundamentally shape the development and ecology of 'holobionts', from humans to marine habitat-forming... -
Seaweed Associated Bacteria
V1-V3 16S sequencing of seaweed (fresh Saccharina latissima from Sweden) associated bacteria after spontaneous fermentation at 37 degreesC for 7 days. -
Coastal marine microbial diversity
Seaweed-associated microbiota are essential for the health and resilience of nearshore ecosystems, marine biogeochemical cycling, and host health. Yet much remains unknown about... -
epibiont metagenome Raw sequence reads
Caulerpa taxifolia is a pantropical green benthic marine macroalga, and one of the best known marine invasive species in temperate coastal habitats. In Australia, this species... -
the different microbial of phycosphere sample and environmental sample seawat...
the different microbial diversity betweenphycosphere sample and environmental sample seawater -
Earth Microbiome Project Multi-omics (EMP500)
The Earth Microbiome Project Multi-omics component (EMP500) involves amplicon and shotgun metagenomic sequencing and metabolomic profiling of over five hundred microbial... -
Thalassiosira rotula Raw sequence reads
Thalassiosira rotula microbiome from common garden experiment -
Combining metabarcoding and morphological approaches to identify taxa associa...
This project aimed to evaluate the ability to use metabarcoding for characterizing the harmful algae species present in known cultures or in samples taken from nature. The work... -
Red algae microbial communities from La Jolla Tide Pools, CA, USA - Laurencia...
Red algae collected from La Jolla Tide Pools, California