Diffse scattering Investigation of magnetic correlations in CsCrMgF6
The modified pyrochlores AM2+M3+F6 (A alkali metal ion, M transition metal ion) are a class of highly frustrated materials that have a randomness associated with the positions... -
Are hydrotropes a unique class of solutes?
The aim is to improve understanding of solution properties and aggregation of hydrotropes and alkyl¿hydrotropes, and the relationship with common surfactants. Although they are... -
Sample dynamics by quasielastic neutron scattering on the sub nanosecond scal...
TOFLAR is a new technique to study atomic motions on the time scale from a fraction of a picosecond up to one nanosecond. In contrast to some established techniques that only... -
Search for magnetic order in a frustrated triangular lattice organic system
This proposal is part of our research programme on novel quantum phases in frustrated lattices. Here we propose to determine the magnetic structure in a quasi-two-dimensional... -
Uniaxial pressure induced spin-density wave order in CeAuSb2
We propose to apply uniaxial strain to induce a spin-density wave (SDW) modulation in CeAuSb2. Neutron diffraction measurements show this system has a tendency to order along... -
Magnetic excitations in single crystal BaFe2Se3
In this proposal, we propose to investigate the spin dynamics in the complex material BaFe2Se3. This material presents low dimensional magnetisme below 250K, combined with... -
Structural changes in electron transfer proteins used in biophotovoltaic cell...
This proposal seeks to gain an understanding of the adsorption and desorption behaviour of a redox membrane protein, cytochrome c, in electrochemical cells using different anode... -
The Structure of the High-Energy ¿Paramagnon¿ Excitations in La2-xSrxCuO4
A major problem in physics is the identification of the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity. Many theories purport to explain the high-Tc phenomenon. In most... -
Magnetic fluctuations in the possible spin-triplet superconductor LiFeAs
LiFeAs is one of the newly discovered FeAs superconductors with still large T_c of 18K. First inelastic neutron scattering experiments on powder and on single-crystalline... -
Texture Study on Dissimilar Weld joints for Battery Tab Manufacturing.
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Commensurate to incommensurate transition in triangular antiferromagnet PdCrO...
We propose to study an effect of uniaxial pressure on a magnetic structure of triangular antiferromagnet PdCrO2. The experiment will mark a technical milestone in development of... -
nickelate thin film test
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Paramagnetic excitations in NaFe0.53Cu0.47As
NaFe0.53Cu0.47As is an antiferromagnetic Mott insulator which connects unconventional superconductivity and Mott physics. The magnetic fluctuations in the ordered state has been... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on the one dimensional magnetic systems Ba...
Most of the one dimensional spin chain compounds are antiferromagnetic with a rich magnetic phase diagram due to the magnetic frustration. We have synthesized Ba3CrS5 and... -
Spin excitations in the paramagnetic phase of a charge-ordered bilayered mang...
In a previous experiment we measured the spin wave spectrum of the half-doped bilayer manganite Pr(Ca,Sr)2Mn2O7 in its spin, charge and orbital ordered phase. The data, which... -
Electronic state of Co3+ in LaCoO3
We will search for spin-orbit transitions of the Co3+ ions in LaCoO3. The ground state is a non-magnetic singlet, but there continues to be a debate about the nature of the... -
MAPS calibration
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An S = 1/2 chiral staggered chain in a magnetic field
The molecule-based chiral spin chain, [Cu(pyrimidine)(H2O)4]SiF6·H2O exhibits staggered g-tensors, a rich low-temperature excitation spectrum and a spin gap that opens on... -
Magnetic excitations of heavily electron overdoped BaFe0.8Ni1.2As2
We have devoted much efforts to investigating the doping evolution of the magnetic excitations in electron doped BaFe2-xNixAs2 (x=0-0.6). Spin excitations for x=0-0.6 have been... -
Magnetic order in the highly frustrated S=1/2 kagome antiferromagnet haydeeit...
Quantum spin liquids (QSL) are new and exotic states of matter that in 2 dimensions were proposed by Anderson to underpin the transition to unconventional superconductivity of...