Replication Data for: Individual patterns of anadromy determine the cost of s...
Facultative anadromous salmonids may alter migratory behaviour to mitigate against detrimental infections of aquaculture-derived salmon lice (Lepeophtherius salmonis), however... -
Effects of plant-based diet in first month of feeding of alevin rainbow trout...
les données présentées sont issus d'une expérience de nutrition à partir d'un aliment commercial (C) vs un aliment 100% végétal (V) et ceux du premier repas jusqu'à 30 jours... -
Seabream cages in Greece and Spain
A case study was designed to apply the recommendations obtained in the tasks of the WP2 of MedAID H2020 project in two different sites located along the Mediterranean basin. Two... -
Assessing the effects of tributyrin -supplemented diets on the gut bacterial ...
16S High-throughput sequencing data of the microbial community of the digesta of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed plant-based diets supplemented without (Cont) and... -
Fish Tanks Raw sequence reads
Sequencing of various samples (Filtered Water, Biofilms, etc) from Fish Tanks from different Fish Farms -
Atlantic salmon gut microbiota
Gut microbiome in Atlantic salmon fed diets with innovative ingredients. -
The Influence of Geosmin and 2-Methylisoborneol on the Microbial Community St...
The secondary metabolites, geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) are known to taint fish with an undesirable, earthy-muddy taste and odor. Also in recirculating aquaculture... -
Seawater metagenome Targeted loci environmental
Red conger eel (Genypterus chilensis, Guichenot) is a native Chilean species whose meat is characterized by high gastronomic demand and is now part of the Chilean aquaculture... -
Sea cucmber gut microbiome
High throughput 16S rRNA sequencing revealed significantly different microbiota in larger and smaller individuals. Metagenome analysis also suggest a functional importance of... -
Microbial community structure of recirculating aquaculture system Raw sequenc...
Measuring the effect of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol, two off flavor compounds, on the microbial community structure of a recirculating aquaculture system -
AQUAEXCEL 3.0 simulated flow fields in aquaculture tanks
This dataset contains NetCDF files with grid-interpolated simulation outputs from Ansys Fluent. Fluent was used to compute steady-state flow fields for various designs of... -
Database of growth and survival behavier of sea cucumber larvae Isostichopus ...
Isostichopus sp. is a variety of Isostichopus badionotus, proposed as a new species, which has been intensely fished in the Colombian Caribbean, arousing interest for its... -
Data underlying the publication: The conservation paradox of critically endan...
The data underlies the publication Brevé et al. (2022).This dataset has data on the industry of sturgeon aquaculture and the occurrences of alien sturgeons in garden ponds and... -
Aquatic macroinvertebrate abundance in French experimental polyculture fishponds
The dataset contains abundances of aquatic macroinvertebrates measured in six freshwater fishponds in France during the SEPURE project « New strategies to build and manage fish... -
EpiRADseq sequencing of eyed-eggs incubated at two temperatures in rainbow tr...
We performed EpiRADseq sequencing in 7 doubled haploid (DH) parents and 36 pools of eyed-eggs (five eggs per pool), collected at the end of the temperature treatment (22 dpf):... -
Database of a shrimp pond bottom sediment study conducted in New Caledonia in...
The degradation of pond bottom with time is usually forwarded by shrimp farm managers in New Caledonia to explain a decrease in production, associated or not with a pathology.... -
Combining Individual Phenotypes of Feed Intake with Genomic Data to Improve F...
Measuring individual feed intake of fish in farms is complex and precludes direct selective breeding for feed conversion ratio (FCR). Here, we estimated the individual FCR of... -
Analysis of the ecosystem services of mangrove to aquaculture and fisheries i...
In this study, which will cover six provinces in south Vietnam, we expect to find out the optimal level of mangrove coverage for shrimp farming systems, considering the benefits... -
Dataset: Critically examining the knowledge base required to mechanistically ...
The dataset (Excel) corresponds to the data used to generate the gap analysis of the published paper "Critically examining the knowledge base required to... -
Supplementary material to "Critically examining the knowledge base required t...
Supplementary material (self-explained) corresponding to the paper with DOI 10.1111/faf.12359 The explanation of the materis is contained in the cited publication