Grovarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Handelsarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Beklädnadsarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Hattarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Hotell- och restaurangarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Järnvägsmannaförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Kakelugnsmakeriarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Kemisk-tekniska industriarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Kemisk-tekniska kvarn och läderindustriarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Kemisk-tekniska och kvarnindustriarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Kemisk-tekniska och läderarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Kommunalarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Korkarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement Archive 1881–1950 (https://doi.org/10.5878/002531) in the early 1990. The original hierarchically... -
Bleck- och plåtslagareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Kvinnornas fackförbund 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Lantarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Litografförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Livsmedelsarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement... -
Metallindustriarbetareförbundet 1881-1950
To enable regional statistical analyses, the Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) carried out a radical reorganization of the source material from the Popular Movement...