257 datasets found

Keywords: astrophysical masers

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  • 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue

    We have conducted a Galactic plane survey of methanol masers at 6668 MHz using a seven-beam receiver on the Parkes telescope, refered to as MX observations. Paper I provides...
  • Stellar Maser Observations

    This catalog contains about 2958 stellar sources. For the searching of the maser emission of the sources listed, 368 were detected in H2O, 209 in SiO, and 713 in OH. In the...
  • Catalogue of Late-type Stars with Maser Emission

    A catalog of more than 300 late type stars which display maser line radio emission in OH, H2O or SiO molecules has been compiled. About two thirds of the objects have been...
  • Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy

    This Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy contains coordinates and fluxes of young objects in the radio and infrared, as well as data on the radial velocities of...
  • Galactic rotation curve from selected maser

    Based on currently available observations of 28 maser sources in 25 star-forming regions with measured trigonometric parallaxes, proper motions, and radial velocities, we have...
  • L1482 filament cores

    We measured the trigonometric parallax of the H_2_O maser source associated with the L1482 molecular filament hosting the most massive young star, LkH{alpha} 101, in the...
  • SiO maser survey of nearby red variables

    In order to study the streaming motions of miras in the Solar neighborhood, we newly surveyed 379 red variables in the SiO maser lines at 42.821 and 43.122GHz with the Nobeyama...
  • SiO maser survey off the Galactic Plane

    A group of Mira variables in the solar neighborhood shows unusual spatial motion in the Galaxy. To study this motion on a much larger scale in the Galaxy, we newly surveyed 134...
  • SiO and H2O masers in Stephenson 2 cluster

    We present the results of radio observations of red supergiants in a star cluster, Stephenson (1990AJ.....99.1867S)'s #2 (Cl Stephenson 2), and of candidates for red supergiants...
  • SiO maser search off the Galactic plane

    We searched for the SiO J=1-0, v=1 and 2 maser lines at ~43GHz in 277 2MASS/MSX/IRAS sources off the Galactic plane (|b|>~3{deg}), which resulted in 119 (112 new) detections....
  • Water maser in galactic IRAS sources

    We present H_2_O maser data from a survey toward IRAS sources in the Galaxy with the Nobeyama 45m telescope. This survey had a 1{sigma} noise level as small as 0.24Jy, resulting...
  • SiO Maser Survey in Galactic Bulge

    We surveyed 291 MSX/2MASS infrared objects in the 7{deg}x2{deg} area of the galactic center in the 43GHz SiO J=1-0 v=1 and 2 maser lines, obtaining accurate radial velocities of...
  • SiO maser survey of IRAS sources

    We surveyed 401 color-selected IRAS sources in the galactic disk in the SiO J=1-0, v=1 and 2 maser lines at 43GHz, resulting in 254 (239 new) detections. The observed sources...
  • SiO maser survey in Galactic center

    We have surveyed ~400 known large-amplitude variables within 15' of the galactic center in the SiO J=1-0 v=1 and 2 maser lines at 43GHz, resulting in 180 detections. SiO lines...
  • SiO maser survey of cold IRAS sources

    We present the results of observations of cold IRAS sources in the Galactic disk area, -10{deg}<l<100{deg} and |b|<5{deg}, in the SiO J=1-0, v=1 and 2 maser lines. SiO...
  • SiO maser survey toward inner Galactic disk

    We present the results of an SiO maser survey for color-selected IRAS sources in the area 40{deg}<l<70{deg} and |b|<10{deg} in the SiO J=1-0, v=1 and 2 transitions...
  • IRAS/SiO sources in the Galactic bulge

    Near-infrared imaging observations of IRAS sources with SiO masers were made with the 2.3-m telescope of the Australian National University at Siding Spring Observatory,...
  • Water maser survey of late-type stars

    This paper presents new results of a water maser survey of late-type stellar objects at 22.235GHz with the Kashima 34-m radio telescope. We have detected 179 out of 643 observed...
  • IRAS/SiO sources toward Galactic Bulge

    Near-infrared photometric observations in the J-, H-, and K-bands have been made for 86 IRAS sources toward the inner Galactic bulge (|l|<3{deg} and |b|<3{deg}). SiO maser...
  • Spiral structure of the Milky Way

    The morphology and kinematics of the spiral structure of the Milky Way are long-standing problems in astrophysics. In this review we firstly summarize various methods with...
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