167 datasets found

Keywords: atmospheric parameter

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  • OZCAR-RI OHMCV Olivier de Serres catchment - France

    Hydrometeorological and hydrosedimentary observations within 3 embedded catchments: Gazel, Claduègne and Auzon (3.4, 43, and 116 km²). Mediterranean climate with heavy rainfall...
  • Navarino Environmental Observatory - Greece

    The Navarino Environmental Observatory (NEO) is a pioneer in Greece as an international partnership, between the academic community and the private sector in the field of...
  • Fruska gora - Serbia

    LTER site Fruška gora is located on Fruska gora mountain, an isolated island mountain in Pannonia plain, completely surrounded by lowland. Its highest peak Crveni cot has 549m....
  • Piano Limina CAL1 - Italy

    The research site “Piano Limina” is installed in a beech forest of the Southern Apennines. Its management history and vegetation type can be considered sufficiently...
  • Lednice - Horni Les - Czechia

    The study plot was established by the Institute of Forest Ecology (Mendel University in Brno) in 1968, namely in connection with the UNESCO International Biological Programme...
  • Lysina & Pluhuv Bor catchments - Czechia

    The study is focused on element fluxes, pools, wet and dry deposition, internal cycling in trees, soil exchange processes, chemical weathering, nutritional status of trees and...
  • Nacetin forest research plots - Czechia

    The spruce and beech stands under study are located in the Czech Republic in the Ore Mountains near the German border, close to the village of Načetín (50_35026” N, 13_15014”...
  • OZCAR-RI SNO_KARST MEDYCYSS-Multi scalE observatory of flooD dYnamiCs and hYd...

    MEDYCYSS observatory (Hérault, France) is a mediterranean karstic hydrosystem, located between Hérault and Vidourle rivers with a 1200 km2 area. The territory consists of...
  • ICP_Forests_Austria, Murau (ICP_FO_AU16) - Austria

    The site Murau is part of the European Level II Forest Monitoring System in the frame of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution...
  • LTER Biologische Station Neusiedler See - Austria

    Biologische Station Neusiedler See is situated at Lake Neusiedl in Illmitz (Austria) and is a service department of the office of the provincial government of Burgenland. The...
  • Petrohan-Ponor - Bulgaria

    The site Petrohan is situated in the West Balkan range with a total area of 7192 ha. The relief of the region is mountain, steep, with deeply cut river valleys and secondary...
  • LTSER Platform Hydrologic Observatory of Athens - Greece

    The Hydrological Observatory of Athens (HOA) is operated by the Centre for Hydrology and Informatics (CHI) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). It is located...
  • ICP_Forests_Austria, Unterpullendorf (ICP_FO_AU2) - Austria

    The site Unterpullendorf is part of the European Level II Forest Monitoring System in the frame of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air...
  • Kilpisjärvi Biological Station (Kilpisjärvi LTER) - Finland

    Kilpisjärvi Biological Station is situated in the mountain birch forest zone near the 70th degree of northern latitude (69°03'N; 20°50'E) in the northwesterenmost part of...
  • Fürstenfeld (FF) - Austria

    The site is situated in the East Styrian lowlands and hills, the woodland community being an Oak-Hornbeam forest and was established in 1997. The main research questions center...
  • ICP_Forests_Austria, Jochberg (ICP_FO_AU17) - Austria

    The site Jochberg is part of the European Level II Forest Monitoring System in the frame of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air...
  • Vordemwald - Switzerland

    The forest site "Vordemwald" has been installed in 1995 as part of the Swiss Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research Programme LWF. The programme investigates anthropogenic and...
  • OZCAR-RI OHMCV Valescure catchment - France

    Hydrometeorological observations within 6 embedded catchments (from 0.3 to 3.9 km2). Mediterranean climate with heavy rainfall and flash floods in automn. The geology is mainly...
  • Belgian coastal waters and sand bank systems - Belgium

    The Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS) covers the most south-western part of the North Sea and is bordered by the English Channel to the south-west and by the central part of...
  • Belasitsa - Bulgaria

    This site is located on the territory of Belasitsa Nature Park. The southwest part of Bulgaria where the Belasitsa mountain is situated falls into the European Broadleaf Forest...
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