Electric City Rüsselsheim - Mobilitätsverhalten, Akzeptanz Elektroauto und La...
Die Daten sind Teil des Projekts „Electric City Rüsselsheim", das im Rahmen des „Sofortprogramms Saubere Luft 2017-2020" vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz... -
Development and validation of the General Attitude towards Medication Questio...
This publication package contains the study materials, data, and code for the publication. -
The SOECBIAS-COVREF data set is an output of two research projects: The interdisciplinary research project SOECBIAS, funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs... -
Pandemic Recovery Survey
The Pandemic Recovery Survey aims to study the impacts of COVID-19 across the world and to assist public health officials in focusing their efforts to recover from the pandemic... -
Winegrowers' decision-making on inter-row management and pesticide use in fiv...
The dataset consists of a codebook and survey outcomes of five European viticultural regions: Palatinate in Germany, Leithaberg in Austria, Tarnave in Romania, Bordeaux in... -
Improving Professional Attitude through Addiction Medicine Education among Me...
This is the dataset of a prospective experimental case-control study. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of addiction medicine training on medical students’... -
Attitude Change during Medical Education: Comparing Addiction, Dementia, and...
This dataset contains the data of an observational prospective cohort study. This study evaluates medical students’ attitudes towards addiction, dementia, and diabetes.... -
Digitalisierung in der frühkindlichen Bildung
Digitale Medien gehören mittlerweile zur Lebensrealität von fast allen Familien und Kindern in Deutschland. Internationale Forschungsarbeiten weisen auf große Potenziale aber... -
Code/Syntax: Die Dynamik gruppenbezogener Identifikation und multikulturalist...
Wir untersuchen die Rolle zweier unterschiedlicher Formen sozialer Orientierung für die Integration in soziale Netzwerke. Zum einen ist die Identifikation mit dem Deutschsein... -
Ethical Attitudes of West German Students
Attitude of students to questions from various ethical areas. Topics: Metaethical and general ethical questions; atonment criminal law versus punishment criminal law; social...