Ready-to-use version of the Eurasian Modern Pollen Database version 2, with 8...
Version 2 of the Eurasian modern pollen database (EMPD2; Davis et al., 2020; Chevalier et al., 2019) can be used to help investigate many different (paleo-)environmental... -
Global temperature calibration of the Long chain Diol Index in marine surface...
0 = coel.; *0 = not available.Note 1: If there was no salinity data (WOA13) available for a certain core-top location, and there was also no LDI or C32 1,15-diol fractional... -
Eurasian Modern Pollen Database (former European Modern Pollen Database)
The Eurasian Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) contains modern pollen data (raw counts) for the entire Eurasian continent. Derived from the European Modern Pollen Database, the... -
Geographic distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments
Dinoflagellate cysts are useful for reconstructing upper water conditions. For adequate reconstructions detailed information is required about the relationship between modern... -
(Table 1) Alkenones and GDGT analysis for core-top sediments from the souther...
Environmental data: Chl-a=Chlorophyll-a. SSS=Salinity; an=annual, sp=spring (Mar-Apr-May), su=summer (Jun-Jul-Aug), au=autumn (Sep-Oct-Nov), wi=winter (Dec-Jan-Feb) (Zonneveld... -
(Table 1) Total cyst counts and concentrations of dinocysts and pollen togeth...
1=winter (January-March), 2=spring (April-June), 3=summer (July-September), 4 = autumn (October-December) -
Environmental analysis of surface sediments from the Northwest African upwell...
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Eddy kinetic energy in the Arctic Ocean from moored velocity observations
Mesoscale eddies are important for many aspects of the dynamics of the Arctic Ocean. These include the maintenance of the halocline and the Atlantic Water boundary current... -
(S1) Annual and seasonal temperatures received from the WOA13 for the norther...
WOA13 Data retrieval (V2 data access: objectively analyzed mean temperature on 1/4° grid); value of each site is calculated by the mean of temperatures of 4 (sometimes less than... -
Highly branched isoprenoids and sterols in surface sedimentsfrom southern Dra...
Sea ice concentration data: satellite observations, DMSP satellite SSM/I passive microwave radiometer, downloaded from the National Snow and Ice Data Center NSIDC. -
(Table S1) Modern calibration environmental variables and coretop diatom spec...
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(Table 2) Environmental data used in the Canonical Correspondence Analysis (C...
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Collection of alkenone temperatures derived from sediment surface samples of ...
Collection of Alkenone temperatures derived from 42 Multicorer sediment surface samples of the subpolar North Pacific and its marginal seas (Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea).... -
Alkenone unsaturation index, remote sensing seasona, annual SST and chlorophy...
Further funding information: Calibração de proxies geoquímicos de paleotemperatura: estudo de caso na margem continental sudeste do Brasil, Award: 2017/14205-4 CAPES, Award: 001 -
Extracted water column temperatures data from the World Ocean Atlas (WOA13) f...
Further funding information: Calibração de proxies geoquímicos de paleotemperatura: estudo de caso na margem continental sudeste do Brasil, Award: 2017/14205-4 CAPES, Award: 001 -
Temperature, Chlorophyll, pH, and specific Conductivity of Lake Łazduny, NE P...
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(Appendix) Gephyrocapsa coccolith abundance and holocene paleotemperature ass...
A global sea surface temperature calibration based on the relative abundance of different morphotypes within the coccolithophore genus Gephyrocapsa in Holocene deep-sea... -
Temperate deciduous shrub and tree In situ autumn phenology 2017, 2018, 2020,...
This data set includes in situ observations (Day of year) of a range of spring (budburst, leaf-out and full leaf unfolded) and autumn (leaf color and leaf fall) phenology... -
Temperate deciduous shrub and tree In situ spring phenology 2017, 2018, 2020...
This data set includes in situ observations (Day of year) of a range of spring (budburst, leaf-out and full leaf unfolded) and autumn (leaf color and leaf fall) phenology... -
Bioclimate data for the surface transect from the New Mongolian-Siberian Data...
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