Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Bias-corrected and sp...
This dataset group contains the regionalised seasonal forecasts for the SaWaM study domain D04 (Catamayo-Chira Basin, Ecuador and Peru). The data is based on the latest seasonal... -
Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Bias-corrected and sp...
This dataset group contains the regionalised seasonal forecasts for the SaWaM study domain D03 (Tekeze-Atbara and Blue Nile Basins, Sudan and Ethiopia). The data is based on the... -
Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Bias-corrected and sp...
This dataset group contains the regionalised seasonal forecasts for the SaWaM study domain D01 (Karun Basin, Iran). The data is based on the latest seasonal forecast product... -
Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Bias-corrected and sp...
This dataset group contains the regionalised seasonal forecasts for the SaWaM study domain D02 (Rio São Francisco, Brazil). The data is based on the latest seasonal forecast... -
Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Temperatures using Data from the Hadley Centr...
HadCRU_MLE_v1.3 is a dataset of monthly gridded surface temperatures for the Earth during the instrumental period (since 1850). The name ‘HadCRU_MLE_v1.3’ reflects the dataset’s... -
Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Temperatures using Data from the Dynamically ...
DCENT_MLE_v1.0 is a dataset of monthly gridded surface temperatures for the Earth during the instrumental period (since 1850). The name ‘DCENT_MLE_v1.0’ reflects the dataset’s... -
Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Temperatures using Data from the Hadley Centr...
HadCRU_MLE_v1.2 is a dataset of monthly gridded surface temperatures for the Earth during the instrumental period (since 1850). The name ‘HadCRU_MLE_v1.2’ reflects the dataset’s... -
Bias Adjusted CORDEX-EUR11 Simulations
An ensemble of bias adjusted regional climate model simulations based on EURO-CORDEX (CORDEX-EUR11). The data set covers daily temperature (minimum, average and maximum) and... -
MITJP-MSD: Large-ensemble 21st century monthly hydro-climatological forcing d...
We develop a self-consistent, large ensemble, high-resolution, bias-corrected global dataset of future climates for a set of four possible 21st century scenarios, which is... -
Simulated ECHAM6 atmospheric model data from Karpechko et al. (2021) "Sensiti...
The data set includes monthly mean sea level pressure, geopotential height, zonal mean zonal winds and EP-fluxes from control and bias-corrected model simulations used in... -
ECHAM6 T63L95 Bias Corrected model data
Bias corrected ECHAM6 atmospheric model data for experiments with an artificial snow anomaly. The model is ECHAM6.3 but has been modified to bias correct the mean climate of... -
Bias corrected (by using Quantile Delta Mapping method) and raw MMM (multi mo...
This data sets contains monthly bias corrected (by using Quantile Delta Mapping method) and raw MMM (Multi Model Mean) outputs from 2015 to 2099 under SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5.... -
Tail Risk in a Retail Payments System - replication data
In this paper, we study a credit risk (collateral) management scheme for the Canadian retail payment system designed to cover the exposure of a defaulting member. We estimate ex...