(Table 8.3.8) Chemical and isotopic compositions of interstitial waters from ...
0 = not found; <10 = traces. -
Laboratory experiments on aragonite saturation state (omega) and extended cal...
This data set is a combination of data from both laboratory experiments where carbonate chemistry parameters from both were used to calculate aragonite saturation state (omega)... -
Experiment on seawater calcium availability control of calcification in Balti...
This data set presents data from further 1.5 month-long laboratory experiments conducted at GEOMAR in Kiel, Germany where calcium ion concentration in seawater was manipulated... -
Experiment on calcification rates in juvenile Baltic Sea Mytilus edulis tross...
This data set presents data from 2 month-long laboratory experiments conducted at GEOMAR, Kiel (Germany) where seawater bicarbonate ion concentrations were manipulated to... -
(Table 3.3.6) Concentration and isotopic composition of organic carbon in sus...
This dataset has no description
Seawater carbonate chemistry and biological processes of Sepia officinalis du...
Acidification of ocean surface waters by anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is a currently developing scenario that warrants a broadening of research foci in the study... -
Environmental coastal monitoring of carbonate chemistry parameters in 2015-20...
This data set presents data from environmental coastal monitoring of carbonate chemistry parameters at the same 3 sites in the Baltic Sea over the course of 2 years. Poisoned... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and hypoxia tolerance and blood chemistry charac...
Global environmental change is increasing hypoxia in aquatic ecosystems. During hypoxic events, bacterial respiration causes an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) while oxygen... -
'Mini-Ilperveld' data on Sphagnum and diazotrophs from experiment in water ba...
This dataset is used for our paper ‘Symbiosis revisited: phosphorus and acid buffering stimulate N2 fixation but not Sphagnum growth’ in Biogeosciences. It contains background... -
Mussel calcification in the Baltic Sea under natural and manipulated carbonat...
Laboratory experiments were performed measuring calcification rates in Baltic Sea mussel at various salintiies, bicarbonate and calcium ion concentrations. Predictors of... -
Environmental costal monitoring of seawater calcium in 2015-2017, South-West ...
This data set presents data from parallel environmental monitoring from the same 3 Baltic Sea sites using Star-Oddi mini CTD loggers. Salinity data was converted to calcium ion... -
Field monitoring of calcification rates of Mytilus mussels in 2016-2017, Sout...
This data set presents data from field monitoring of calcification rates across 15 months from 3 sites in the South-West Baltic Sea (Kiel fjord, Ahrenshoop and Usedom Island).... -
(Table 5) Average chemical and isotopic compositions of waters from the calde...
This dataset has no description
(Table 5b) Contents and isotopic composition of organic carbon and hydrocarbo...
This dataset has no description
High pressure behaviour of ammonium carbamate
A number of compounds crystallise in the NH3-H2O-CO2 ternary system, including ammonium carbonates and carbamates, these being closely related to the water-deficient compound...