Romperöd, diametertillväxt i skiktad granskog
The data consists of long term diameter growth observations of uneven-sized Norway spruce dominated stands. The site has been managed with continuous individual tree selection... -
Data till: Vägrenar fungerar som korridorer och vägar som barriärer för rörel...
This publication makes part of the research project GINFRA – green rights-of-way infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The aim of the project is to quantify... -
INDILACT – Förlängd frivillig väntetid för förstakalvare. Del 1: randomiserad...
The objective of the study is to investigate how an extended voluntary waiting period between calving and first insemination in primiparous cows would affect milk production and... -
Data om hur regionalt klimat påverkar habitatföreningar och termiska summor s...
The data was collected for the publication "Regional climate affects habitat associations and thermal sums required for development of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle, Ips... -
Förekomstdata på lunglav (Lobaria pulmonaria), på dess värdträd asp (Populus ...
This data archive contains data used in the study by Fabritius et al. (2019): Estimation of metapopulation colonization rates from disturbance history and occurrence pattern...