6 datasets found

Keywords: bit

Filter Results
  • PAN-00121643 - bit

    This find is registered at Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands with number PAN-00121643 Modified: 2023-08-09T15:28:12+02:00
  • PAN-00107773 - bit

    This find is registered at Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands with number PAN-00107773 Modified: 2022-09-06T17:17:15+02:00
  • PAN-00088718 - bit

    This find is registered at Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands with number PAN-00088718 Modified: 2021-06-21T11:07:31+02:00
  • Proton Conducting Pathways in Metal-Organic Frameworks

    Recently metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been developed with high intrinsic proton conductivity and with potential for use in low temperature fuel cells. Their...
  • Vacancy clusters and local magnetic structure of wüstite, Fe(1-x)O

    The nature and distribution of vacancy defects in wüstite, Fe(1-x)O, is an important problem because the structural and dynamical properties of the mineral - both of which are...
  • Magnetism in NaTiO2

    NaTiO2 has been predicted to have a variety of unusual magnetic states, depending sensitively on the details of the crystal structure and interaction strength between the...
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