Cenozoic CO2 from marine proxies
Atmospheric CO2 has been reconstructed over the last 66 million years from two marine proxies: the boron isotope composition of foraminifera and the carbon isotope composition... -
Svalbard 2010 team (2010): EPOCA Svalbard mesocosm experiment 2010 depth-inte...
Latest data set update: 9 October 2013. In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Lavigne and Gattuso, 2011) was used... -
Eddy covariance observations of CO2, latent heat, and sensible heat fluxes at...
Observations of vertical fluxes of CO2, latent heat, and sensible heat were made at the Spiekeroog Coastal Observatory in the German Wadden Sea between 1.1.2021 and 28.12.2022.... -
Spatiotemporal variation in pCO₂, CH₄, N₂O, DOM, and ancillary water quality ...
Despite growing research on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from inland waters, few systematic efforts have been made to assess the regional-scale GHG emissions from Asian rivers... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and photosynthesis of seagrass Zostera japonica ...
Photosynthesis and respiration are vital biological processes that shape the diurnal variability of carbonate chemistry in nearshore waters, presumably ameliorating (daytime) or... -
Villefranche sur Mer: multistressors experiment March 2012
The effect of ocean warming and acidification was investigated on a natural plankton assemblage from an oligotrophic area, the bay of Villefranche (NW Mediterranean Sea). The... -
(Figure 2) Biological characteristics of anemones Anemonia virids from sites ...
R1-R3 = reference sites away from the CO2 vents, and hence representative of 'present day' pCO2 conditions. S1-S3 = sites with increasing proximity to the vents thus provided a... -
Field data on methane fluxes, temperature, soil gas profiles and microbial ac...
Methane (CH4) production, oxidation, and emission were studied in ponds of the permafrost-affected polygonal tundra in northeast Siberia. Microbial degradation of organic matter... -
Stable carbon isotopic composition of carbondioxide (delta13C-CO2) in interst...
This dataset has no description
Hydrographic control on carbon isotope fractionation in coccolithophores in t...
This dataset includes new records of carbon isotope fractionation during photosynthesis (Ɛp) analysed in sediment samples from five IODP/ODP cores (982, 984, U1314, U1313 and... -
Siderite C-O-Fe isotope compositions, pore water geochemistry and bulk sedime...
Siderite C-O-Fe isotope compositions, pore water geochemistry and bulk sediment measurements covering the 100 m-long core from drill site TDP-1A in ferruginous Lake Towuti,... -
Monthly mean atmospheric D14CO2 at Jungfraujoch and Schauinsland from 1986 to...
14CO2 observations at Jungfraujoch high altitude research station in the Swiss Alps (3450m a.s.l.) and at Schauinsland observatory (1205 m a.s.l.) in the German Black Forest are... -
Biodiversity component effects on macroalgal primary productivity
The objective of this study was to disentangle the effects of components of diversity and primary productivity within subarctic intertidal macroalgal communities. This study was... -
Seasonal chamber measurements of CH4 fluxes and their isotopic composition al...
The data set contains measurements of methane (CH4) emissions and their δ13C values at vegetation removal experiments consisting of three vegetation treatments (intact... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth, elemental composition,biomass produc...
Sea ice retreat, changing stratification, and ocean acidification are fundamentally changing the light availability and physico-chemical conditions for primary producers in the... -
Measurements of net soil-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange and its oxygen an...
Soils were sampled from 27 sites in western Eurasia during 2016 and 17 sites in northeastern Australia during 2017. Triplicate replicate microcosm incubations were created from... -
Contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 samples from Canadian gr...
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We therefore investigated contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 groundwater samples... -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of permafrost-affected soils of the no...
We aerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P3, 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia for 150 days. We used three soil layers ((i) surface... -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of permafrost-affected soils of the no...
We aerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P3, 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia for 150 days. We used three soil layers ((i) surface... -
Anaerobic carbon dioxide and methane production data of control and freeze-th...
We anaerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P2, 72° 22.3 N, 126° 29.9 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia at 4°C for 60 days. We used three soil layers ((i)...