POPUM - Demografiska databasen
The POPUM database contains personal records from parish registers of the regions Linköping, Sundsvall and Skellefteå, Norrland’s midland and the parishes on the Swedish sides... -
Tabellverksdatabasen - Demografiska databasen
The database TABVERK contains population statistics in the Swedish parishes during the period 1749-1859. It constitutes the earliest population statistics throughout the world... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Umeå SIMSAM Lab: Ett registerbaserat forskningsprogram som knyter samman barn...
The Umea ̊ SIMSAM Lab in a nutshell: 1) The Lab was established for interdisciplinary research from childhood into lifelong health and welfare. It provides individual-level... -
Folkräkningen 1940 - Yrkesgrupper
This data collection is divided into two subset. For each municipality and town there is information about total population within the principal occupational groups agriculture... -
Folkräkningen 1940 - Yrkesgrupper_2
This data collection is divided into two subset. For each municipality and town there is information about total population within the principal occupational groups agriculture... -
Folkräkningen 1930 - Yrkesgrupper
This data collection contains information about total population and total number of professionally employed within the principal occupational groups agriculture and subsidiary... -
Folkräkningen 1920 - Yrkesgrupper
This data collection contains information about total population, total number of professionally employed, income and property within the principal occupational groups... -
Folkräkningen 1890 - Yrkesgrupper
This data collection contains information about total population and total number of professionally employed within the principal occupational groups agriculture, industry,... -
Folkräkningen 1910 - Yrkesgrupper
This data collection contains information about population within the principal occupational groups agriculture, industry and mining, commerce, transport, storage and... -
Folkräkningen 1900 - Yrkesgrupper
This data collection contains information about total population and total number of professionally employed within the principal occupational groups agriculture, industry,... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Umeå SIMSAM Lab: Ett registerbaserat forskningsprogram som knyter samman barn...
The Umea ̊ SIMSAM Lab in a nutshell: 1) The Lab was established for interdisciplinary research from childhood into lifelong health and welfare. It provides individual-level... -
Folkräkningen 1940 - Yrkesgrupper
This data collection is divided into two subset. For each municipality and town there is information about total population within the principal occupational groups agriculture... -
Folkräkningen 1940 - Yrkesgrupper_2
This data collection is divided into two subset. For each municipality and town there is information about total population within the principal occupational groups agriculture... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Umeå SIMSAM Lab: Ett registerbaserat forskningsprogram som knyter samman barn...
The Umea ̊ SIMSAM Lab in a nutshell: 1) The Lab was established for interdisciplinary research from childhood into lifelong health and welfare. It provides individual-level... -
Folkräkningen 1940 - Yrkesgrupper
This data collection is divided into two subset. For each municipality and town there is information about total population within the principal occupational groups agriculture...