Lokalna in regionalna razvojna jedra
Namen raziskave je proučiti razvojne potenciale, inovativne akterje in podporne institucije (kot so inkubatorji in tehnološki parki), kako se v neki regiji oblikujejo, kako med... -
Civil Society Responses to COVID-19 in Latin America Dataset
This dataset comprises initiatives from civil society organizations to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in 18 countries in Latin America. This dataset complements the "LATINNO... -
Collective Intelligence Initiatives against COVID-19 in Latin America Dataset
This dataset comprises a selection of democratic innovations from the "LATINNO Dataset on Democratic Innovations in Latin America" which rely on collective intelligence to... -
LATINNO Dataset on Democratic Innovations in Latin America
The LATINNO Dataset comprises data on 3700 democratic innovations evolved in 18 countries in Latin America. The data reflects the context, the institutional design, and the...